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雅思口语激情之旅:Towns&Cities Part 3(下)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Why should we preserve old buildings in modern cities?


Candidate 1:In my opinion, firstly preserving old buildings means remembering a period of factory. Only by preserving old buildings can we be aware of where we come from and how time files. Something may change a lot but something not. When we look up to the old buildings, walking close to them, there might be faraway sound running into our ears telling about fabulous stories there called "life". As a person, one must know his past; it is naturally called "responsibility".

Secondly, preserving old buildings means earning money. Where there are precious old buildings there are travelers all the time. Wise governments usually expand cities without ruining the old buildings, and they preserve them in order to exploit(发掘) tourism resources in the future.

In the end, I think preserving old buildings also means keeping a family together. Many precious old buildings used to belong to large families years ago. As time goes by, some family members left, and some remained. But if there's an old house there, there's root in every wandering(徘徊的) heart. That's what a family means.

Above all, preserving old buildings is not doubt necessary, and everyone can play a part.

Candidate 2: In a sense, old buildings are the records of the local history. Buildings are frozen music.Actually, I believe they are the witness of the transformation of the whole world in a vivid and intriguing(有魅力的) way.

Personally speaking, I think old buildings can remind many people of their colorful memories about the past.Those beautiful memories are the history of individuals that can not be rooted up(清除) rudely in my opinion,for they are part of beautiful core(核心) of the humanity.

I feel that the local old buildings are the collection of the local culture. Since they were built in a special period, they surely contained some special traditions, styles and the thoughts of the people at that time, which means they are full of cultural worth. That is to say, they are surely precious for local culture research.

They are also wonderful memories of families who have been living in these old buildings. They are not only houses, but also part of their life.

Candidate 1分别从历史、经济价值和家庭角度阐述了保留老建筑的原因;Candidate 2侧重于历史和文化角度,提出“建筑是凝固的音乐”。语言流畅,条理明晰,具有一定的思想性。

Candidate 3:When I came back to the old place this summer, I felt so sad that our old house had been destoryed by the wind. Nowadays, more and more old buildings were replaced by the mansions. However, I don't like those new houses and I just miss our old house.

I still remember those days when I played with my little friends around that house. At that time, we were so bright and energetic. I wish I could get back my happiness someday at the same place, but it is impossible because the house does not exist any more. Also, this is one of the reasons why I think we should preserve our old buildings now. Besides, I had lived in the old building all of my childhood. I grew up with the house, and the house witnessed my past life.

The environment around the old building was beautiful. I love the pomegranate tree(石榴树) and the grape tree most because of the delicious fruits and the green they provided for us in the hot summer. As time passees by,we can only search the green in our memory. Why can't we keep the same old buildings to make our city more beautiful and more charming?

I couldn't forget the time when all of my family members sat in the countryard and talked about some old things. Since Dad left the world, I had never get the chance to do that. I knew that many people and the same experience just like me. Our close relatives couldn't come back forever, but we hope the memory will be kept in our heart. For this reason, we want to preserve old buildings.

Even though my old building has been destroyed, I really hope that more old buildings can preserve those precious times to our memory.

Candidate 4: Each family has old buildings. But what is the source of old buildings? For example, in a family tree, grandparents live in a house, and father and mother live in another house, and their sons or daughters don't live with them. When grandparents pass away, their house becomes the old buildings. Most of us preserve the old buildings rather than make a profit of them. Because the old buildings are full of memories of our families, and the memories are enshrined(铭刻) in our minds. They are so important that we find it hard to part with them. When we feel tired deep in heart, we can go back to the old buildings, looking back to the old times with families, then we may find the courage to face the complex world. Maybe when we become old, we want to move into the old buildings to enjoy the easy and comfortable life. So the old buildings are harbors for us. And we should preserve old buildings.

以上两位应答者从个体家庭和自身感受角度表述了老房子的重要性。Candidate 3回忆了自己在老房子里度过的美好时光,描述了自己和老房子的感情,感情丰富而细腻;Candidate 4的回答简洁,语言也较流畅。

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candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

rudely ['ru:dli]


adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地,粗陋地

intriguing [in'tri:giŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,有趣的 vbl. 密谋,私通

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,

contained [kən'teind]


adj. 泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的 v. 包含;遏制

exploit [iks'plɔit]


vt. 剥削,利用,开拓,开采,开发
n. 功

preserve [pri'zə:v]


v. 保存,保留,维护
n. 蜜饯,禁猎区

energetic [.enə'dʒetik]


adj. 精力旺盛的,有力的,能量的

witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,





