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来源:互联网 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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PART 2&3

Topic1. Describe a thing that you want to invent(此题待定是否进入题库)

Topic2. an interesting job you read or heard of (what is it . where did you read or hear of. how about this job. why you think it is interesting)

PART3:you think the teachers are well paid? Are work conditions improved in your country? When is the best age to retire? do the people retire in this age in your country?Do you think it is stressful for the country if people retire at this age? Men and women should get different pension?

Topic3. Describe the changes in your hometown

PART3:What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village? Is there any new governmental policy?

Describe a hobby in your childhood

PART3:Who have more time, students or workers? Who have more pressure, people who don't work or work? What is the difference of their free time? What is the difference between the recent hobbies and old hobbies??

Topic4. Describe a famous TV presenter(TV 主持人)


Topic5. Describe a toy

PART3:女孩子喜欢玩什么?男孩子呢?中国有啥流行的玩具电视会取代玩具么? 你觉得现在儿童的玩具是否太多?What do you think about the toys now? What are the popular toys nowadays in china? Do you think it is good for the parents to buy a lot of toys for their kids? Do you think children should be taught to share their toys with other kids? 家长应该只给孩子买教育性的玩具么?educational toy

Topic6. 一件你朋友做的让你很崇拜他的事

PART3:你认为children admire什么人?你认为people in different age admire的人有什么不同? 你觉得学历在过去和现在的重要性有什么不同?你觉得是学历重要还是工作经验重要?有什么不同?你觉得现在的children是不是有很大的压力?

Topic7. 电话里听到的好消息

PART3:现代科技的好处?学生使用现代通讯工具的坏处;年轻人和老人的交流是否存在代沟;What does technology makes message different? What is the difference of message usage between young people and old people? In what way can message get to the public?

Topic8. Describe a party

PART3:Do Chinese people enjoy holding parties? Do Chinese people do anything special in parties? When do Chinese people usually hold parties?Are you’re a successful party organizer? Why is it hard to hold parties? Is Chinese party is different from foreign party?What will u do in a party; dose party change a lot in china; is it different between city party and rural party;哪些是世界性的传统节日?你希望增加一些国际性节日嘛?

Topic9. Describe an Chinese/Foreign artist

PART3:What do you think is the most popular art forms in China, such as… Why do you think music form is popular comparing with painting? Is it useful for children to study art? How do they study? Does every student in school have to lean art and literature? What changes do you have when you studied art and literature in university?

Topic10. a thing you made







