法律英语:法律翻译中的"条" "款" "项" "目"
法律翻译同时涉足三个领域,即法律学界、语言学界和翻译界。因此,法律翻译对译者要求十分苛刻。例如,在英汉、汉英翻译中,译者除了要掌握一定程度的中国法律以及普通法知识之外,还要擅长法律英语这一特殊用途2012-06-18 编辑:Amy 标签:
出租方(甲方)Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A) : 承租方(乙方)Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B) :根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协2012-06-15 编辑:Amy 标签:
法律英语是一种比较特殊的英语文体,有其自身的特点,它在词语、词义、专业用语以及表达方式等方面有别于普通英语。根据我的学习与研究体会,法律英语语言具有以下几个基本特点: 1. 用词比较准确。这一点在英语介词2012-01-06 编辑:Richard 标签:
冒号 (Colons) 冒号通常用来指出跟在其后面的信息。它也可以用作两个句子之间的连接。下面给出一些使用方法的例子: 1. 在一份清单之前使用冒号。(如,’The following items are included:’) 2. 当2011-09-15 编辑:Richard 标签:
Public notaries are persons accredited by the state to witness civil matters for legal purposes. In the past, public notaries were state offices representing the state in witnessing legal relations2011-09-08 编辑:Richard 标签:
Every law has no atom of stregth, as far as no public opinion supports it.Wendell phillips, American leader against slavery 若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律是丝毫没有力量的。 美国废奴运动领袖 菲2011-08-12 编辑:Richard 标签:
经典案例:The Trial of John Peter Zenger
No country values free expression more highly than does the United States, and no case in American history stands as a greater landmark on the road to protection for freedom of the press than the tr2011-08-10 编辑:Richard 标签:
经典案例:The Witchcraft Trials in Salem: A Commentary
O Christian Martyr Who for Truth could die When all about thee Owned the hideous lie! The world, redeemed from superstition's sway, Is breathing freer for thy sake today. ——Words written by J...2011-08-09 编辑:Richard 标签:
经典案例:The Trial of Galileo
In the 1633 trial of Galileo Galilei, two worlds come into cosmic conflict. Galileo's world of science and humanism collides with the world of Scholasticism and absolutism that held power in ...2011-08-05 编辑:Richard 标签:
经典案例:The Trial of Jesus
Providing an account of the trial of Jesus presents challenges unlike that for any of the other trials on the Famous Trials Website. First, there is the challenge of determining what actually happen2011-08-04 编辑:Richard 标签:
经典案例欣赏:The Trial of Socrates
The trial and execution of Socrates in Athens in 399 B.C.E. puzzles historians. Why, in a society enjoying more freedom and democracy than any the world had ever seen, would a seventy-year-old philo2011-08-03 编辑:Richard 标签: