1.refugee n.难民(a person who has been forced to leave his or her country, home, etc. and seeks refuge, esp. from political or religious persecution)
例:The recent immigrants didn't receive refugee benefits for their illegally entering the country.
2.refund n.退款(to return money);偿还(to give or put back)
例:One government program would award low income families a refund of $1,000 for each child under age four.
3.refutation n.反驳,驳斥(the act or process of refuting)
例:sophistic refutations似是而非的驳斥
4.iefute v.反驳,驳倒(to prove wrong by argument or evidence)
例:Clark refutes the extremes of the constructivists by both theoretical and empirical arguments.
5.regenerate v.(使)再生,(使)恢复(to restore to original strength or properties)
例:Damaged nerves in the spinal cord do not regenerate themselves naturally.
6.regime n.(气象等的)形态(a regular pattern of occurrence or action);政权(polity)
例:climate regime气候形态,气候建制
7.regiment n.军团(a military unit consisting usually of a number of battalions)
例:The soldier fought with the fifth regiment.
8.regionalization n.分成地区(dividing into regions);按地区安排(arranging regionally)
例:regionalization of commercial markets贸易市场地区化
n. 政体,制度
n. 养生法(=regime