1.foresight n.远见,深谋远虑(prescience)
例:The treasurer had the foresight to sell the company stocks right before the market crashed.
2.forestall v.预防,阻止(to prevent)
例:Treatment for hypertension forestalls certain medical expenses by preventing strokes and heart disease.
3.forfeit n.罚金(penalty);v.丧失(to abandon, give up)
例:Increasing commercial activity would cause some people to forfeit their liberty and virtue.
4.forge v.锻造(to form metal etc. by heating and hammering);达成,使形成(to form or bring into being, especially by an expenditure of effort);n.铁匠铺
例:The blacksmith forged horseshoes from iron.//forged in battle
5.format n.格式,版式(the shape, size, and general makeup of something printed);v.(使)格式化(to prepare, usu. as a computer disk, for storing data in a particular format)
例:Mannis Corporation has stored its archival(关于档案的)records in a computerized format.
6.formation n.组织,形成(thing that is formed);(军队)编队(an arrangement of a group of persons in some prescribed manner or for a particular purpose)
例:It misrepresented how horizontal displacements cause the formation of mountain chains.
7.formidable a.可怕的(causing fear, dread, or apprehension);困难的(having qualities that discourage approach or attack)
例:In the speaking contest Randolph faced formidable obstacles.
8.formula n.公式(a statement, especially an equation, of a fact, rule, principle, or other logical relation)
例:In the formula, integers(整数) ’’p" and "t" are positive constants.
9.forthcoming a.将来的(approaching);现成的,随要随到的(being about to appear or to be produced or made available)
例:Bill and Anne eagerly awaited their forthcoming wedding.//No answer was forthcoming.