1.critical a.挑毛病的(looking for faults);关键的;危急的(of or at a crisis)
例:Proponents of IT argued that it takes both time and a critical mass of investment for IT to yield benefrts.
2.criticism n.批评( the act of criticizing usually unfavorably);评论(a critical observation or remark)
例:The old government was more tolerant of criticism by the press than the new one is.
3.critique n.评论(文)(a critical estimate or discussion);配批判性她讨论(to examine critically)
例:It is a crrtique of a particular women's studies program.// The purpose of the passage is to explain and crftique the methods used by early statisticians.
4.crossbred a.杂种的(hybrid)
例:The crossbred cows can produce, on average, 2,700 liters per year.
5.crucial a.决定性的(decisive);至关紧要的(significant)
例:It will be crucial that land managers know what statistical measures actually mean.
6.crude a.天然的(natural);粗糙的,拙劣的(marked by the primitive, gross, or by uncultivated simplicity or vulgarity)
例:crude oil原油//The sanitary conditions were uniformly cruda throughout the country.
7.crusade n.十字军东征,宗教战争(any of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to win the Holy Land from the Muslims)
例:Louis Vll did spend great sums on an unsuccessful crusade.
同根词:cruciform( n.十字形);crusader(n.十字军战士)
8.crush n.粉碎:压榨(an act of crushing);迷恋(an intense and usually passing infatuation);v.挤压(to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure);压碎(to squeeze together into a mass)
联想记忆:碰撞( crash)后被碾碎(crush)
例:Both partially biodegradable and non-biodegradable plastic beverage containers can be crushed completely flat by refuse compactors.
9.crust n.外壳(the hardened exterior or surface);地壳(the outer part of the Earth)
例:In most earthquakes the Earth's crust cracks like porcelain.
10.crustal a.壳的;地壳的(of or relating to or characteristic of the crust of the Earth)
例:Deep events occur in places other than where crustal plates meet.