This episode is about Unit 6 (Fun food) of the 3rd module (Food for thought) in first semester of higher-school English. To interpret the culture of food culture, several points of view are shown here: famous proverbs about healthy eating, short phrases and their culture of apple, the sequence of service bet.
本集围绕第一学期模块三(Food for thought)中的第六单元(有趣的食物Fun food)对饮食文化进行深入探讨。本节的饮食文化主要介绍:关于健康的常用谚语。苹果相关的短语及其背后的文化。中西方上菜顺序的区别。餐厅预定。三种人类生命的基本元素:水,空气和食物。人体成分知识。健康脂肪观。英美计量单位介绍(盎司和英镑)。讲解中融合一些词组辨析和单词对讲解。