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高中课本听力北师大版模块7:Unit 23 Lesson2-3

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Wow, 40 percent of the population is a lot of people!
  • Yes, and despite these facts, students nowadays are often sacrificing sleep for extra study time.
  • It may seem like a good idea to stay up late for a few extra study hours, but lack of sleep is actually detrimental to studying.
  • So what is the right balance?
  • There are 168 hours in a week so I imagine that managing this time is very important.
  • You're right. Students need to use their study time wisely.
  • The first thing they should do is make a list, prioritizing the tasks they need to do each week, and then do the most important first.
  • Then they need work out how much time they need for each task and they must be realistic.
  • They should challenge themselves but not set unrealistic goals.
  • Finally, it is essential to make time for seeing friends, relaxing and getting enough sleep.
  • These are just as important as studying and if students are healthy and happy, they'll study better.
  • Well, thank you ladies,for you wise words!


Wow, 40 percent of the population is a lot of people! Yes, and despite these facts, students nowadays are often sacrificing sleep for extra study time. It may seem like a good idea to stay up late for a few extra study hours, but lack of sleep is actually detrimental to studying. So what is the right balance? There are 168 hours in a week so I imagine that managing this time is very important. You're right. Students need to use their study time wisely. The first thing they should do is make a list, prioritizing the tasks they need to do each week, and then do the most important first. Then they need work out how much time they need for each task and they must be realistic. They should challenge themselves but not set unrealistic goals. Finally, it is essential to make time for seeing friends, relaxing and getting enough sleep. These are just as important as studying and if students are healthy and happy, they'll study better. Well, thank you ladies,for you wise words!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

essential [i'senʃəl]


n. 要素,要点
adj. 必要的,重要的,本

unrealistic [.ʌnriə'listik]


adj. 不切实际的,不实在的

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

realistic [riə'listik]


adj. 现实的,现实主义的

detrimental [.detri'mentl]


adj. 有害的 n. 有害的人或事





