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高中课本听力北师大版模块7:Unit 23 Lesson1-4

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • C I got a phone call from the chief nurse, saying,"You've got a patient there that is going to get an award.
  • Make sure that the ward looks good." This really turned me off to begin with:"
  • "Let's clean up the ward because we've got VIPS coming in."
  • Well,the VIPs happened to be the general of the 25th Infantry Division and an entourage of about twelve people.
  • This was this patient's second visit to us, this time with both his legs blown off-he was all of about twenty years old.
  • When he was waking up from his anesthesia he whispered:"
  • Don't you remember me,ma'am?" I said, "Oh yeah!"But really I didn't because there were so many of them.
  • The entourage was coming to give him the award because he happened to be number twenty thousand to come through this hospital.
  • They had this little ceremony, gave him a Purple Heart and a watch.
  • As the general handed him the watch, "from the 25th Infantry Division,
  • as a token of our appreciation," the kid more or less flung the watch back at him
  • He said something like, "I can't accept this sir; it's not going to help me walk."
  • After this little incident, I went over and just put my arms around him and hugged him.


C I got a phone call from the chief nurse, saying,"You've got a patient there that is going to get an award. Make sure that the ward looks good." This really turned me off to begin with:" "Let's clean up the ward because we've got VIPS coming in." Well,the VIPs happened to be the general of the 25th Infantry Division and an entourage of about twelve people. This was this patient's second visit to us, this time with both his legs blown off-he was all of about twenty years old. When he was waking up from his anesthesia he whispered:" Don't you remember me,ma'am?" I said, "Oh yeah!"But really I didn't because there were so many of them.The entourage was coming to give him the award because he happened to be number twenty thousand to come through this hospital. They had this little ceremony, gave him a Purple Heart and a watch.As the general handed him the watch, "from the 25th Infantry Division, as a token of our appreciation," the kid more or less flung the watch back at him He said something like, "I can't accept this sir; it's not going to help me walk." After this little incident, I went over and just put my arms around him and hugged him.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
infantry ['infəntri]


n. 步兵,步兵部队

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

incident ['insidənt]


n. 事件,事变,插曲
adj. 难免的,附带

appreciation [ə.pri:ʃi'eiʃən]


n. 欣赏,感激,鉴识,评价,增值

ward [wɔ:d]


n. 守卫,监护,受监护人,病房,行政区





