Too right, Dan! So, that's our first advice. Get organized! OK, now our second caller. Hi, I'm Charlotte,but call me Charlie. I'm in my first year of university, doing French and German. OK, what do you think I should do, Charlie? Right, Well, if I were you, I'd make sure that I got some exercise. You know, you ought to get out of the house and get some fresh air. Your brain needs oxygen-take a walk or go for a jog. It really helps you. I mean, you brain only workswell if you're feeling OK and unstressed, doesn't it? I think spending hours and hours in the library without a break can be counter-productive, you know.And one more thing, you shouldn't drink lots and lots of coffee because it can make you more nervous and stop you sleeping. Thanks, Charlie. A healthy body and a healthy brain,right? I'll get down to the gym after the programme! And one more caller.
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