adv. 极其,非常
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She also played a few songs from her new album, such as "Everything But…"which tells the story of someone looking for love in the wrong places Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in another song"Utopia". Her singing was full of feeling;the first part of the song was filled with anger, while the last part expressed love and joy. Although the concert hall was cold and the sound system caused a few problems,the audience could still enjoy the concert. Many people in the crowd were obviously long-time fans,and they knew the words and sang along to nearly every song. Throughout the concert,the atmosphere inside the concert hall was extremely exciting. Everyone agreed that they were greatly impressed by Morissette's brilliant music and singing. At the end of the three hours, Morissette showed that she was a true performer, singing a well-known song"Heartache". She finished the evening with a new song about the life of a superstar. While I watched and listened,I knew that I was seeing the performance of a real superstar.
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