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Well,in the future,we'll be able to use modern technology to go anywhere we like. Wouldn't that be great? I feel excited just thinking about it. I don't understand. Cathy,do you mean we'll use the computer to travel around the world,and visit all the historical sites? That's right!Just imagine it. We would not only be able to travel around the world,but also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to. That could be really exciting!But I still find it hard to imagine. If they invented virtual reality holidays, I'd go on an around-the-world tour. Tom,what would you like to do if someone gave you the chance? I don't really know. Personally,I'm more interested in virtual universities than virtual reality holidays. I'd like to go to a world-famous university, like Stanford. But I guess,a virtual university just wouldn't be the same,would it? Ture,but just think,you would be able to study in such a world-famous university without going out of your room!
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