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E英语教程第二册 >
- During Chaplin's times, when people still believed newly-born cinema was a passing fad and would never replace live shows,
- 在卓别林的时代,人们还认为新兴的电影产业不过是昙花一现,始终无法取代现场演出的地位。
- Chaplin was determined to master this new medium, for it would offer him the chance of money and success.
- 卓别林决心掌握这种新媒介,因为它将为他提供赚钱和成功的机会。
- Chaplin's first film, Making a Living, was released in 1914.
- 卓别林的第一部电影《谋生》于1914年上映。
- The film was well received by the public but didn't satisfy Chaplin.
- 这部电影广受好评,但他自己并不满意。
- After some disappointments and anxieties, he created the now classic character of "the little tramp."
- 在经历了一些失望和焦虑之后,他创造了现在的经典角色“小流浪汉”。
- From his very first appearance, the little man brought laughter to people's faces.
- 从他的第一次亮相,这个小个子男人就把给人们带来欢笑。
- With his black moustache, wide-open eyes, round black hat, and shoes too large for his feet, he makes all kinds of stupid mistakes.
- 他留着黑色的胡子,睁着大大的眼睛,戴着黑色的圆帽,脚上穿着一双大号的鞋子,犯各种各样愚蠢的错误。
- He is always in trouble.
- 他总是遇到麻烦。
- Yet he dreams of greatness.
- 然而他梦想成为伟人。
- He makes every audience laugh with his crazy attempts to escape his cruel fate.
- 他为逃避残酷的命运所做的疯狂尝试让每一位观众都捧腹大笑。
- He finds surprising ways out of every difficulty and life never quite defeats him.
- 他总能找到令人惊讶的方法来摆脱困境,而生活也从未真正打败过他。
- The little tramp is not very different from the cold, homeless, poorly dressed child who refuses to despair.
- 这个小流浪汉和那个冷酷、无家可归、衣衫褴褛、拒绝绝望的孩子并没有太大的不同。
- Like the child, he is weak and frightened, but he never gives up.
- 像这个孩子一样,他又软弱又害怕,但他从不放弃。
During Chaplin’s times, when people still believed newly-born cinema was a passing fad and would never replace live shows, Chaplin was determined to master this new medium, for it would offer him the chance of money and success. Chaplin’s first film, Making a Living, was released in 1914. The film was well received by the public but didn’t satisfy Chaplin. After some disappointments and anxieties, he created the now classic character of “the little tramp.” From his very first appearance, the little man brought laughter to people’s faces. With his black moustache, wide-open eyes, round black hat, and shoes too large for his feet, he makes all kinds of stupid mistakes. He is always in trouble. Yet he dreams of greatness. He makes every audience laugh with his crazy attempts to escape his cruel fate. He finds surprising ways out of every difficulty and life never quite defeats him. The little tramp is not very different from the cold, homeless, poorly dressed child who refuses to despair. Like the child, he is weak and frightened, but he never gives up.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/daxue/202004/608564.shtml