"Excuse me," she said in a changed voice. "Whose welfare are you thinking about?" She was on the verge of an emotional outburst, her cheeks flushed from brandy and anger. By contrast, Claire's mother had the appearance of a tombstone, chalk white and deadly still.
“等一下,”她说道,声音都变了。“你考虑的是谁的幸福?”白兰地和怒火使她的面颊涨 得通红,情绪眼看就要爆发。与此形成鲜明对照的是,克莱尔的母亲看上去却如同墓 碑一样,脸色煞白,身子一动不动。
"How is the fire?" Claire said, staring at it. On that cue her mother jumped up and sailed off with the coal scuttle.
"I'll get it," Claire said following. The mother did not even wait until they reached the kitchen.
"Tell me," she said, her blue eyes pierced with insult, "which of those two ladies is he married to?"
“告诉我,”她说,她蓝色的眼睛显露出受到侮辱的神情,“他是跟这两位女士中的哪一 个结婚的?”
"It's not your concern,"Claire said, hastily. She had meant to smooth it over, to say that the pregnant woman had some mental disturbance, but instead she said hurtful things about her mother being narrow-minded and cruel.
"Show me your friends and I know who you are," the mother said and went away to shovel the coal. She left the filled bucket outside the living-room door and went upstairs. Claire, who had gone back to her guests, heard the mother's footsteps going into the bedroom overhead.
"Has your mother gone to bed?" the husband asked.