Economic Growth Is a Path to Perdition, Not Prosperity
Wayne Ellwood
Charles Darwin was a rigorous, meticulous scientist. He spent nearly 20 years honing his analysis and polishing his prose before publishing his groundbreaking work, On the Origin of Species, in November 1859.
Darwin's slim volume was what we would call a "game changer," a revolutionary work that fundamentally altered the way human beings see themselves and the natural world. Today most of us are familiar with his theory of "natural selection"—the foundation of modern evolutionary biology. But 150 years ago, Darwin was sailing into choppy waters. The Church of England had set rigid boundaries, and his thesis was clearly a challenge to the orthodox view that humans were a separate, unique part of God's creation and that all life was divinely created and unchangeable.
The establishment of the time mocked him. There was intense public debate. But Darwin was unflinching. Today his core idea that all animals and plants evolve and adapt through natural selection is the bedrock of modern life sciences. He opened the door to a new world—a door which religious fundamentalists and "intelligent design" proponents are still trying to close.