So how can you show your emotions in a way that is effective? Here are a few key ideas that industrial psychologists say you should keep in mind when working as a team.
Flexibility: This is a key trait that successful team players need. When a project doesn't go as planned, or takes an unexpected turn, you will have the advantage if you can alter your strategies to deal with circumstances that you have not seen before. And in a weak economy, workers who can adapt to change are more valuable.
Compromise: Learning to consider many different viewpoints goes hand in hand with flexibility. It's important to learn to listen to those in the team, particularly those who don't agree with you. If you are part of a group, you won't get your way all the time. Taking into account all viewpoints can make a team stronger and the result better.
Complimentary Criticism: Do you know how to compliment others? What about the art of criticism? Both can be equally difficult. Be honest, but also try to be gracious. A little generosity can pave the way for productive office relationships. Some psychologists suggest complimenting coworkers and subordinates in public, but criticizing in private. This also means accepting feedback from others and letting your defenses down when you listen.