You even could tax the sale of now-illegal drugs and use the money to build more treatment centers, which are desperately needed. Deep thinkers have long advocated lifting the prohibition on drugs. Last year the debate was stirred anew when Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke called for a serious national debate on the subject.
Schmoke's advocacy was based on his experience as a drug prosecutor. He felt as though he was bailing out the ocean with a teaspoon. Prohibition of drugs is working no better than prohibition of liquor worked earlier this century, he told Congress. It increases crime without eliminating addiction. So let's change the rules.
He was not alone in his sentiments. "Prohibition is an attempted cure that makes matters worse—for both the addict and the rest of us," wrote Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman in 1972, after President Nixon declared a "war" on drugs.
The simplicity of this prescription has proved irresistible to many. Unfortunately, the simple beauty of such logic has an ugly gaping hole. There is considerable evidence to suggest that with legalization drug use and its social costs would increase. Sharply. Keeping drugs illegal may not eliminate them, but it almost surely reduces their use.