"Wait till I tell him I met Walter Williams!" she said. "He'll just about die. Oh, we have more arguments about colored people. I talk to him like I don't know what, I get so excited. 'Oh, don't be so silly,' I say. But I must say for Burton, he's a lot more broader-minded than lots of these Southerners. He's really awfully fond of colored people. Well, he says himself, he wouldn't have white servants. And you know, he has this old colored nurse, this regular old nigger mammy, and he just simply loves her. Why, every time he goes home, he goes out in the kitchen to see her. He does, really, to this day. All he says is, he says he hasn't got a word to say against colored people as long as they keep their place. He's always doing things for them—giving them clothes and I don't know what all. The only thing he says, he says he wouldn't sit down at the table with one for a million dollars. 'Oh,' I say to him, 'you make me sick, talking like that.' I'm just terrible to him. Aren't I terrible?"
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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第二册:U2B Arrangement in Black and White(3)
来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki 可可英语APP下载 | 可可官方微信:ikekenet- "Wait till I tell him I met Walter Williams!" she said.
- “等着吧,等到我告诉他我见过了沃尔特·威廉斯!”她说。
- "He'll just about die. Oh, we have more arguments about colored people.
- “伯顿非气死不可。噢,我俩常常争论有色人种的问题。
- I talk to him like I don't know what, I get so excited.
- 我像没主意一样和他谈话,这样使我很兴奋。
- 'Oh, don't be so silly,' I say.
- 我对他说:‘哦,别那么傻。’
- But I must say for Burton, he's a lot more broader-minded than lots of these Southerners.
- 但是我必须为伯顿说几句,他比许多南方人可开明多了。
- He's really awfully fond of colored people.
- 他真的特别喜欢有色人种。
- Well, he says himself, he wouldn't have white servants.
- 对了,他还说他不会雇白人作佣人。
- And you know, he has this old colored nurse, this regular old nigger mammy, and he just simply loves her.
- 而且你知道,他有一个上了年纪的黑人保姆,那种最常见的专职黑人保姆,并且他很喜欢她。
- Why, every time he goes home, he goes out in the kitchen to see her. He does, really, to this day.
- 每次回到家,他总是到厨房去看她。真的,直到今天他还这样做。
- All he says is, he says he hasn't got a word to say against colored people as long as they keep their place.
- 他说,只要黑人知道他们自己的身份而安分守己,他是不会为难他们的。
- He's always doing things for them—giving them clothes and I don't know what all.
- 他也经常为他们做一些事情——给他们衣服啦,以及其他我不十分清楚的事情。
- The only thing he says, he says he wouldn't sit down at the table with one for a million dollars.
- 他唯一说过的对黑人不敬的话是,他说即使给他一百万美元,他也不去和一个黑人同坐一桌。
- 'Oh,' I say to him, 'you make me sick, talking like that.'
- 我对他说:‘噢,你那样说真让我感到厌恶。’
- I'm just terrible to him. Aren't I terrible?"
- 我对他很不好,我很差劲是不是?”
- "Oh, no, no, no," said her host. "No, no."
- “哦,不,不,不,”主人说,“不,不。”

"Oh, no, no, no," said her host. "No, no."

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