The man whose life is centered around producing, selling and consuming commodities transforms himself into a commodity. He becomes increasingly attracted to that which is man-made and mechanical, rather than to that which is natural and organic. Many men today are more interested in sports cars than in women; or they experience women as a car which one can cause to race by pushing the right button. Altogether they expect happiness is a matter of finding the right button, not the result of a productive, rich life, a life which requires making an effort and taking risks. In their search for the button, some go to the psychoanalyst, some go to church and some read "self-help" books. But while it is impossible to find the button for happiness, the majority are satisfied with pushing the buttons of cameras, radios, television sets, and watching science fiction becoming reality.
One of the strangest aspects of this mechanical approach to life is the widespread lack of concern about the danger of total destruction by nuclear weapons; a possibility people are consciously aware of. The explanation, I believe, is that they are more proud of than frightened by the gadgets of mass destruction. Also, they are so frightened of the possibility of their personal failure and humiliation that their anxiety about personal matters prevents themfrom feeling anxiety about the possibility that everybody and everything may be destroyed. Perhaps total destruction is even more attractive than total insecurity and never ending personal anxiety.
这种对待生活的机械态度最奇怪的方面之一是普遍对原子武器造成彻底毁灭的危险漠不 关心,而这种可能性是人们清醒地意识到的。我认为,对这一现象的解释是,他们对具有大规模破坏性的玩意儿与其说感到害怕,不如说觉得自豪。另外,他们极其害怕个人会遭到失败、蒙受耻辱;他们为私事惶惶不安,对于世人与万物均可能遭毁灭一事则无暇顾及了。也许彻底毁灭比毫无安全感、比个人永难消除焦虑甚或更加诱人。