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大学英语精读(第三版) 第四册:Unit6B Take It Easy to Learn Better(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The most efficient distribution of practice or study sessions varies with the kind of material being learned.
  • 最有效率的练习或学习时段分布因学习内容不同而异。
  • Each person has to find the best distribution of practice that fits him and his task.
  • 最适合本人及其所学内容的练习时段分布得由各人自己摸索。
  • Follow these two guides in spacing your learning periods:
  • 如何间隔学习时段,可遵循以下两条原则:
  • 1. Each practice should be long enough to warm you up and to allow the peak of your present skill to be reached.
  • 1. 每次练习的时间应足以使你进入状态,并使你达到目前技能的最高点。
  • 2. It should be halted when fatigue, boredom, error, or slowness appear.
  • 2. 出现疲劳、厌倦、差错,或速度减慢时,应停止练习。
  • Learning is more efficient when it is fun, less efficient when it is drudgery.
  • 学得开心,效率就高;学得很苦,效率就低。
  • Practice periods can safely be made longer if the learner is excited about learning.
  • 一个人学习兴致高的时候,练习时间可以延长而不致降低效率。
  • Learning is often more effective in a group, since individual progress then acquires some features of a game or contest.
  • 小组学习效果往往更好,因为,这时个人的进步就带有某种游戏或竞技的特点。
  • The clever teacher, or expert job trainer, has the knack of arousing the learner's interest to the point of actual excitement.
  • 聪明的教师或经验丰富的职业培训人员懂得如何激发学生的兴趣,使其真正兴奋起来。
  • The ambitious individual often lets his ambition provide the excitement.
  • 有抱负的人常常以自己的雄心壮志来激起这种兴奋。
  • Keeping score on oneself gives some of this game spirit to the single learner.
  • 给自己记分能给单独的学习者带来一些游戏的精神。
  • People usually master a sport such as golf or bowling quickly largely because they naturally keep tabs on how they're doing.
  • 人们通常很快就能学会诸如打高尔夫球或保龄球之类的运动,这主要是因为他们自觉地密切关注自身的进步。
  • Score keeping is easy for some kinds of learning, such as typing speed.
  • 对有些学习项目,比如打字速度,记分是很容易的。
  • These scores can be charted week after week to show one's learning curve, or rate of progress in mastering the subject.
  • 每周记分可用图表画出,这样就能看出一个人在学习一门课程时的学习曲线,或进步速度。
  • As for language learning, it may seem more difficult to keep a record,
  • 至于语言学习,要记录进步似乎较难,
  • but there are still ways to find an indication of your progress.
  • 但还是有办法显示出你的进步情况。
  • The expanded vocabulary, as well as the improved reading speed and accuracy,
  • 词汇量的扩大,以及阅读速度和准确性的提高,
  • will be a record that can encourage you to get over the boredom.
  • 均可记录下来,它会帮你克服厌倦。


The most efficient distribution of practice or study sessions varies with the kind of material being learned. Each person has to find the best distribution of practice that fits him and his task. Follow these two guides in spacing your learning periods:

1.Each practice should be long enough to warm you up and to allow the peak of your present skill to be reached.
2.It should be halted when fatigue, boredom, error, or slowness appear.
Learning is more efficient when it is fun, less efficient when it is drudgery. Practice periods can safely be made longer if the learner is excited about learning. Learning is often more effective in a group, since individual progress then acquires some features of a game or contest. The clever teacher, or expert job trainer, has the knack of arousing the learner's interest to the point of actual excitement. The ambitious individual often lets his ambition provide the excitement. Keeping score on oneself gives some of this game spirit to the single learner. People usually master a sport such as golf or bowling quickly largely because they naturally keep tabs on how they're doing. Score keeping is easy for some kinds of learning, such as typing speed. These scores can be charted week after week to show one's learning curve, or rate of progress in mastering the subject. As for language learning, it may seem more difficult to keep a record, but there are still ways to find an indication of your progress. The expanded vocabulary, as well as the improved reading speed and accuracy,will be a record that can encourage you to get over the boredom.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
boredom ['bɔ:dəm]


n. 厌烦,厌倦,令人厌烦的事物

contest ['kɔntest,kən'test]


n. 竞赛,比赛
vt. 竞赛,争取

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

accuracy ['ækjurəsi]


n. 准确(性), 精确度

fatigue [fə'ti:g]


n. 疲乏,疲劳,累活
adj. 疲劳的

efficient [i'fiʃənt]


adj. 效率高的,胜任的

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

distribution [.distri'bju:ʃən]


n. 分发,分配,散布,分布

indication [.indi'keiʃən]


n. 表示,指示,象征

ambition [æm'biʃən]


n. 雄心,野心,抱负,精力
vt. 有 ..





