Until that point in my life I hadn't written much of value - a few poems and short stories. But, like a beginning artist who longs to see his work come to life, becoming an animated Disney film, I understood that the more one draws, or writes, the better the end result will become. Realistically, I approached writing like waxing a car, thoroughly and repeatedly. So I wrote often to improve my writing skills. I tentatively sent material to various magazines and reviews, but no one had ever been willing to publish me.
So it was an unexpected delight when the Times published my commentary. I suppose the editor decided to publish it because he was first attracted by the official nature of my stationery, and then by the strangeness of an inner city firefighter's using refined language. I'd like to think, though, that the editor silently agreed with me.
我收到了大概 20 封来自大学教授的表达同感或祝贺的信。我把它们订在了主管的桌子旁边。这些信让我快乐,让我激动不已,因为我想到,我不仅作品得以发表,而且我还是个观点制造者。突然间,我被称为拥有重要观点的人。
I received about 20 sympathetic and congratulatory letters from professors that I tacked up by the superintendent's desk. These letters tickled me, making my heart flutter with the thought that I was not only a published writer but an opinion maker. I was suddenly dubbed as someone whose views mattered.
Incidentally, I also received letters from True magazine and from The New Yorker, asking for interviews. It was the latter that ignited my career - the article titled "Fireman Smith" provided the impetus for a large publishing company to request a manuscript about my life.
我一直认为消防员的工作是个值得一写的题材,但是到目前为止却很少被写过。起初我很困惑,对于自己是否有能力写一本完整的书没有多少信心。所以,我开始一点一点地写,一次写一部分。很快,我对整本书有了基本的结构和框架。这本书最终卖出了 200 万册,并被译成了 12 种语言。在接下来的几年中,我又写了 3 本畅销书,去年还出版了一本自传。