Truthfully, most of us are feminists to some degree. A man who believes that women should stick to working as transcribing secretaries or midwives and leave the "good" jobs to men with families is more feminist than a man who believes in strict segregation of the genders or who insists that a woman shouldn't leave the house or speak to strangers. A "trophy wife" who does nothing but apply eye liner and lipstick and go to parties is still feminist enough to believe she shouldn't be hostage to her husband, unable to go to the police if he attacks her for telling him "no" Many of us are feminist indeed; we work in blended groups of men and women, dividing tasks according to ability and interest, read books without caring about the gender of the author, and listen to female teachers as well as male ones with equal attention and respect.
Yet even the most feminist environments have barriers we need to tunnel through. For example, we might criticize successful female solicitors for not devoting enough time to their families, or look down on those women who stay home with children for not being ambitious enough to take up a career. We might look down on men who disobey female bosses for not being team players, or look down on other men who obey the same bosses for acting insufficiently masculine.
These seem like small problems, the lingering ghosts of greater issues, but they're significant when they're happening to you. Culture isn't easy to change; even if you think a woman has every right to speak loudly and swear like pirates, you might have trouble imagining that any man would date her. Or you might have trouble relaxing around a man who is comfortable making less money than his female friends. Clearly, our thirst for equality must never be fully quenched. But feminism cannot become an appendix at the end of a history book, or an artifact of a bygone epoch. We must remain vigilant if we hope for a continuance of the rights of women.