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2016年中考(湖北襄阳卷)英语听力真题 独白

来源:可可英语 编辑:max   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Most of Tom's neighbors were friendly. They were always ready to help each other when they were in trouble.
  • 汤姆的大部分邻居都很很好。他们总是能在有困难时互相帮助。
  • But there was one woman who was disliked by everyone because she was always borrowing things from her neighbors but forgetting to give them back.
  • 但是有一位女士,大家都不喜欢她。因为她总是问邻居借东西然后忘了还。
  • One morning, Tom heard a knock at his front door, and when he opened the door he found this women outside.
  • 有一天早上,汤姆听到前门传来一阵敲门声。当他打开门时,他发现那位女士站在门外。
  • "Good morning! Tom," she said. "I have to take some things to my sister in the town today, but I haven't got a horse, as you know.
  • “早上好,汤姆!”她说。“今天我要带些东西给我姐姐,她住在城里,但是你知道的,我没有马。
  • Will you lend me yours? I will bring it back this evening."
  • 你能把你的马借给我吗?今天晚上我会来还的。”
  • "I'm sorry," answered Tom. "If my horse was here, I would of course lend it to you, but it is not."
  • “不好意思,”汤姆回答道,“如果我的马在这里,我当然会借给你啦,但是它不在。”
  • "Oh?" said the woman. "It was here last night because I saw it under the tree in your garden. Where is it now?"
  • “是吗?”她说道,“它昨天晚上还在这呢,我看见它在你家花园的那棵树下。它现在去哪了?”
  • "My wife took it to the town early this morning." answered Tom.
  • “我的妻子一大早就带它去城里了。”汤姆回答说。
  • Just then the horse made a big noise.
  • 就在这时,马发出了很大的声响。
  • "You're not telling the truth, Tom!" the woman said angrily.
  • “你没说实话,汤姆!”那位女士生气地说。
  • "I can hear your horse. You should tell the truth to your neighbor!"
  • “我都能听到你的马的声音。你应该跟你的邻居说实话。”
  • "Sure!" said Tom, "Is it good manners to believe a horse's word rather than that of your own neighbor?"
  • “当然可以!”汤姆说,“你不相信邻居的话反而相信马的话,这样礼貌吗?”
  • The woman left without a word.
  • 那位女士一句话也没说就走了。


Most of Tom's neighbors were friendly. They were always ready to help each other when they were in trouble.

But there was one woman who was disliked by everyone because she was always borrowing things from her neighbors but forgetting to give them back.
One morning, Tom heard a knock at his front door, and when he opened the door he found this women outside.
"Good morning! Tom," she said. "I have to take some things to my sister in the town today, but I haven't got a horse, as you know.
Will you lend me yours? I will bring it back this evening."
"I'm sorry," answered Tom. "If my horse was here, I would of course lend it to you, but it is not."
"Oh?" said the woman. "It was here last night because I saw it under the tree in your garden. Where is it now?"
"My wife took it to the town early this morning." answered Tom.
Just then the horse made a big noise.
"You're not telling the truth, Tom!" the woman said angrily.
"I can hear your horse. You should tell the truth to your neighbor!"
"Sure!" said Tom, "Is it good manners to believe a horse's word rather than that of your own neighbor?"
The woman left without a word.




