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北师大新课改初中英语八年级(上册):Unit6 The Unexplained-Reading(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Interesting Animals
  • 有趣的动物们
  • Interesting Animals
  • 有趣的动物们
  • I saw an interesting story on the news. It was about a dog and an elephant.
  • 我从新闻里得知了一个有趣的故事。这是一个关于狗和大象的故事。
  • I saw an interesting story on the news. It was about a dog and an elephant.
  • 我从新闻里得知了一个有趣的故事。这是一个关于狗和大象的故事。
  • The elephant Tara made friends with the dog Bella.
  • 大象泰拉和小狗贝拉成为了朋友。
  • The elephant Tara made friends with the dog Bella.
  • 大象泰拉和小狗贝拉成为了朋友。
  • They were always together. Then Bella the dog got hurt and was resting inside.
  • 他们经常在一起玩耍。有一天,贝拉受伤了,在洞里养伤。
  • They were always together. Then Bella the dog got hurt and was resting inside.
  • 他们经常在一起玩耍。有一天,贝拉受伤了,在洞里养伤。
  • When Tara the elephant couldn't see Bella, she became very sad and waited for Bella outside.
  • 当大象泰拉看不见贝拉的时候,她变得很伤心,一直等着贝拉出现。
  • When Tara the elephant couldn't see Bella, she became very sad and waited for Bella outside.
  • 当大象泰拉看不见贝拉的时候,她变得很伤心,一直等着贝拉出现。
  • When someone carried Bella out, Tara was so happy.
  • 当有人把贝拉带出来的时候,泰拉非常开心。
  • When someone carried Bella out, Tara was so happy.
  • 当有人把贝拉带出来的时候,泰拉非常开心。
  • A Strange Dream
  • 一个奇怪的梦
  • A Strange Dream
  • 一个奇怪的梦
  • Last night, I had a strange dream. I was in primary school. I was talking to my friend Janet.
  • 昨天晚上,我做了一个奇怪的梦。我梦见我在读小学。我正在和朋友珍妮特说话。
  • Last night, I had a strange dream. I was in primary school. I was talking to my friend Janet.
  • 昨天晚上,我做了一个奇怪的梦。我梦见我在读初中。我正在和朋友珍妮特说话。
  • I knew it was my friend Janet but she looked different. Then, suddenly, someone was running behind us.
  • 我知道她是珍妮特,但是她的长相却发生了变化。突然,有人从我们的后面飞快地跑来。
  • I knew it was my friend Janet but she looked different. Then, suddenly, someone was running behind us.
  • 我知道她是珍妮特,但是她的长相却发生了变化。突然,有人从我们的后面飞快地跑来。
  • We were getting very scared and we ran up the school stairs very fast.
  • 我们非常害怕,迅速地爬上学校的楼梯。
  • We were getting very scared and we ran up the school stairs very fast.
  • 我们非常害怕,迅速地爬上学校的楼梯。
  • Then we went to the top of the school building. We were walking near the side of the building when suddenly I fell!
  • 然后我们来到了学校的顶楼。我们在楼顶的四周走来走去。突然,我从楼顶上掉了下来。
  • Then we went to the top of the school building. We were walking near the side of the building when suddenly I fell!
  • 然后我们来到了学校的顶楼。我们在楼顶的四周走来走去。突然,我从楼顶上掉了下来。
  • After that, I woke up. I was on the floor near my bed.
  • 之后,我从梦里惊醒了。我发现自己睡在了床下的地板上。
  • After that, I woke up. I was on the floor near my bed.
  • 之后,我从梦里惊醒了。我发现自己睡在了床下的地板上。


Interesting Animals

I saw an interesting story on the news. It was about a dog and an elephant.
The elephant Tara made friends with the dog Bella.
They were always together. Then Bella the dog got hurt and was resting inside.
When Tara the elephant couldn't see Bella, she became very sad and waited for Bella outside.
When someone carried Bella out, Tara was so happy.
A Strange Dream
Last night, I had a strange dream. I was in primary school. I was talking to my friend Janet.
I knew it was my friend Janet but she looked different. Then, suddenly, someone was running behind us.
We were getting very scared and we ran up the school stairs very fast.
Then we went to the top of the school building. We were walking near the side of the building when suddenly Ifell!
After that, I woke up. I was on the floor near my bed.




