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沪教牛津版初中英语(八年级上册):Unit5 Reading

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • An exchange visit is educational and interesting!
  • 一次有益又有趣的交换生活动!
  • A group of British students from Woodpark School in London are visiting Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing on an educational exchange.
  • 一群来自英国伦敦伍德公园学校的学生在北京的新华初中进行交换生活动。
  • "I was very nervous at first," says Sarah.
  • “一开始我很紧张,” Sarah 说。
  • "However, my host family are really friendly.
  • “不过,我寄宿的家庭非常友好。
  • I'm glad to be a guest in their home.
  • 我很高兴能在他们家做客。
  • I've learnt to use chopsticks, and they're teaching me a little Chinese!"
  • 我已经学会了用筷子,他们正在教我一点中国话!”
  • The students spend the weekdays studying with Chinese students.
  • 学生们平日里都与中国学生在一起。
  • At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families.
  • 上个周末,他们与他们的寄宿家庭一起游览北京周边,参观名胜古迹。
  • "It's been a fantastic experience so far," says Eric.
  • “直到现在,这算是一次奇妙的经历,” Eric 说。
  • "I've learnt a bit of t'ai chi, and I really enjoy it.
  • “我已经学了一点太极拳,我真的很喜欢它。
  • We've already learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history.
  • 我们学了很多中国的文化与历史。
  • The teachers have introduced us to Chinese painting as well.
  • 老师还向我们介绍了中国画。
  • We've also tried to paint some pictures ourselves!
  • 我们也尝试自己画一些!
  • I haven't had much success yet, but I'll keep trying."
  • 我画得不是很好,但我会继续努力。”
  • "I've made many new friends," says Sarah.
  • “我交了很多新朋友,” Sarah 说。
  • "I plan to keep in touch with them when I return home.
  • “当我回家后,我打算和他们保持联系。
  • We'll see one another soon because they'll come over to the UK for the second part of the exchange next month. I can't wait!"
  • 我们很快将会再见面,因为下个月交换生活动的第二部分他们会来英国。我都等不及了!”


An exchange visit is educational and interesting!

A group of British students from Woodpark School in London are visiting Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing on an educational exchange.
I was very nervous at first,” says Sarah.
“一开始我很紧张,” Sarah 说。
However, my host family are really friendly.
- I'm glad to be a guest in their home.
- 我很高兴能在他们家做客。
- I've learnt to use chopsticks, and they're teaching me a little Chinese!”
- 我已经学会了用筷子,他们正在教我一点中国话!”
The students spend the weekdays studying with Chinese students.
At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families.
It's been a fantastic experience so far,” says Eric.
“直到现在,这算是一次奇妙的经历,” Eric 说。
I've learnt a bit of t'ai chi, and I really enjoy it.
- We've already learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history.
- 我们学了很多中国的文化与历史。
- The teachers have introduced us to Chinese painting as well.
- 老师还向我们介绍了中国画。
- We've also tried to paint some pictures ourselves!
- 我们也尝试自己画一些!
- I haven't had much success yet, but I'll keep trying.”
- 我画得不是很好,但我会继续努力。”
I've made many new friends,” says Sarah.
“我交了很多新朋友,” Sarah 说。
I plan to keep in touch with them when I return home.
- We'll see one another soon because they'll come over to the UK for the second part of the exchange next month. I can't wait!”
- 我们很快将会再见面,因为下个月交换生活动的第二部分他们会来英国。我都等不及了!”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





