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沪教牛津版初中英语(七年级下册):Unit3 Reading

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

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A blind man and his “eyes” in a fire

One day, John Dancer and Charlie arrived at a hotel.
有一天,舞者 John 和 Charlie 抵达酒店。
“Good evening, sir,” said the receptionist.
“You're welcome to stay, but I'm sorry that we don't allow pets here.”
“Charlie isn't a pet,” said John.
“Charlie 不是宠物,”John 说。
“He's my eyes. I'm blind and I can't go anywhere by myself.”
The receptionist apologized and led John and Charlie to their room.
接待员向他道歉,并把 John 和 Charlie 带到了房间。
John was very tired. He soon fell asleep.
John 很疲惫。他很快就睡着了。
Some time later, Charlie started barking.
过了段时间,Charlie 开始吠叫。
John woke up and smelt smoke.
John 醒来时,闻到一股烟味。
A fire! Smoke started to come in from under the door.
With Charlie's help, John put some wet towels along the bottom of the door.
在 Charlie 的帮助下,John 把一些湿毛巾塞在门底部的缝里。
Then he got down on the floor next to Charlie and waited.
然后他在 Charlie 旁边伏在地上,他们等待着。
Soon he heard the sound of a fire engine.
A fireman arrived and got him out of the building, but the fireman did not want to take Charlie.
一名消防员赶到,把他救出大楼,但消防员不想去救 Charlie。
John would not go without his “eyes”.
John 不愿丢下他的“眼睛”。
Finally, the fireman got Charlie out of the building too and they were both safe.
最后,消防员把 Charlie 也救出了大楼,他们都安全了。




