1-5 BCBAD 6-10 CD[pic]ABA 11-15 BDACC 16-20 ADCBA 21-25 DCBDA 26-
30 C BDC[pic]A 31-35 ACBAD 36-40 ABCCD 41-45 CC[pic]BDB
第II卷 1, stay up late 2, are made [pic]of 3, under 4, library
5, come true 6, would like 7, something 8, at least[pic] [pic] 9, rains
10, worse 11, prevented 12, sing[pic]er 13, themselves 14, politely 15,
t[pic]housand[pic]s 16, feel lonely once a week 17, had
f[pic]inished reading each other 18, listen to at[pic] the same time
19[pic], [pic]has been away am looking forward to 20 is worth devoting
all her life to it 或 is wort[pic]hwhile for her to[pic] devote her whole
life to it 21, [pic]Her grandparen[pic]ts .22, 61 million. 23, Y[pic]es,
they have. 24, In[pic] Beijing. 25, To ra[pic]ise social
awa[pic]reness [pic]of left-behind children 26, common language[pic] is
changing [pic]27, be widely used that we accep[pic]t and know as
English 28, pay little attention, more freedom 29, Singlish by or from
putting 30, five to push their way into Eng[pic]lish and in the
proces[pic]s, creating something new[pic].
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