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初中英语山东版八年级下 Review

编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1a Read the clues and complete the crossword.
1b Choose words from units 1-8
and write a clue for each word.
Read the clues to your partner.
He or she guesses the words.
What's something you do before a test?
Is it study?Yes,it is.
2a Listen to the four conversations.
Match the conversations with the correct pictures.
Conversation 1
Zhu,is that you?
Yes.You're Chen,aren't you?
Yes,that's right.You've changed a lot!
You used to be short.Now you're tall.
Yes,I am.
You used to have long hair.
Now you have short hair.
Yes,that's right.
And you used to wear glasses.
Yes,I still do.But today I have contact lenses.
You used to play the guitar,didn't you?
No,I played the piano.
My friend Xiao Li played the guitar.
Oh,yes.I forgot.
Conversation 2
Hi,Kitty.Are you going to the party tonight?
No.I'm not allowed.
You're allowed to go to parties,aren't you?
No.There are lots of things I can't do.
Like what?
Well,I'm not allowed to watch TV on school nights.
Really?But there are lots of good shows.
You can learn a lot.
Also,I'm not allowed to shop for clothes.
My mother buys them.
Do your parents do everything for you?
No,but they have lots of rules.
Are you allowed to have a pet?
Oh no!I'm not allowed to have a pet.
What are you allowed to do?
My parents say I'm allowed to study all night.
Their rules make me a good student.
Conversation 3
Hey,Kelly.Imagine you could travel anywhere.
Where would you go?
Oh,I don't know.I don't like to travel.
Come on!What if you could go anywhere?
How about a jungle trek in India?
No.It's too tiring.
Oh,well,then what about a trip to France?
You could see the museums.
No.I think France is too touristy.
Really?But there's lots to see and do.
Oh,I know.How about Hawaii?
The weather is really warm.
Really warm?Yes,you're right.
I don't want to go to Hawaii.It's too hot!
Okay.How about Singapore?Singapore is not too
hot,too tiring or too touristy.
You must want to go there.
No,Singapore is too expensive.
Kelly,there must be some place you want to go!
Yes,there is.Really?Where?
I want to go home.Goodbye.
Conversation 4
Oh Ma.I can't learn English.
No?What's the problem?
I read my books but I always forget.
How do you study?
By using flashcards.But everyone is different.
Tony doesn't like flashcards.
How does he learn when he doesn't understand?
By asking the teacher.
But maybe you should learn English like Judy.
She's the best student.
How does Judy learn?
By watching English TV.
Really?How about Ping?
Is there another way she learns?
Yes.By studying grammar.
I don't like grammar.
Well,everyone learns a different way.
2b Listen again.
Follow the instrutions next to the pictures.
Role play.Practice the conversations above
with your partner.
Hi,Kitty.Are you going to the party tonight?
No.I'm not allowed...
Complete the sentences.
Then talk about them with your partner.
I used to think I wouldn't get taller.
You're very tall now.
Yes,it makes me happy!
Write a list of things teenagers should be
allowed to do.
Compare your list with your partner's and give
We should be allowed to design our school
uniforms.Why do you think so?
We should decide what we like to wear.
Fill in the blanks.Then interview two classmates
What's your favorite band?
I really like Cool Kids.
Really?I prefer The Lions.
Write your answers to these questions.
Then talk about them with your partner.
Where would you like to visit?
I'd like to visit Holland.
Why do you want to go there?
Where would you like to visit?
I'd like to visit Holland.
Why do you want to go there?
What would you do there?
Where don't you want to go?
Why don't you want to go there?
7 You went to a lecture on learning a foreign
language. Below are some notes you made.
Your friend Mike is learning Chinese.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
guitar [gi'tɑ:]


n. 吉他

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

tiring ['taiəriŋ]


adj. 令人疲倦的,麻烦的

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





