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高级美国幼儿歌曲(MP3+歌词) 第237期:小灰驴

来源:沪江 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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My uncle had an old grey mule
His name was Simon Slick
About anything you ever did see
Was how that mule could kick
Whoa! there mule I tell you
Whoa that mule I say
Keep your seat Miss Liza
That mule sure wants his way
I went to feed that mule one morning
Met me with a smile
He backed one ear and winked one eye
And kicked me half a mile
Whoa there, mule, I tell you
Whoa that mule I say
Keep your seat Miss Liza
That mule sure wants his way
This mule he is a kicker
He’s got an iron back
He headed off a railroad train
And kicked it off the track
Whoa there, mule, I tell you
Whoa that mule I say
Keep your seat Miss Liza
That mule sure wants his way
You see that mule a-coming
He’s got a great big load
When you see that old grey mule
Give him all the road
Whoa there mule, I tell you
Whoa there mule I say
Keep your seat Miss Liza
That mule sure wants his way
Whoa there mule, I tell you
Whoa there mule I say
Keep your seat Miss Liza
That mule sure wants his way




