I have heard that you have a daughter…
My daughter ?
Oh , you must mean my stepdaughter .
I have heard tales of a beautiful Princess who lives in this kingdom . And I thought perhaps…
Well, you are far wrong !
And I assure you the reports of her bdauty are greatly exaggerated . Her beauty is no match for my own . Or so I’ve been tole .
I’m certain that must be true . Your highness .
Trust me , it is !
Be that as it may , highness , perhaps if could meet her .
Alas , she is no longer with us . My foolish huntsman took her to the forest not long ago and lost her . She has disappeared completely . Several hundred of my best men were unable to find her . She must have perished , eaten by some beast or perhaps even poison .
That is terrible to…to lose a child . You must be heartbroken !