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2022年12月英语六级听力真题(第2套) 录音(3)

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  • Recording Three
  • 录音三
  • Throwing spare change into a fountain is a time-honored ritual.
  • 往喷泉里扔零钱是由来已久的习俗。
  • Throw a penny into the water and your wish might come true.
  • 往水里扔一枚硬币,你的愿望就可能实现。
  • But all that money has to go somewhere.
  • 但这些钱总得有个去处。
  • Otherwise, the growing piles of pennies, quarters, and euros could clog up the fountain's works.
  • 否则,越来越多的便士、25美分和欧元会堵塞喷泉的管道。
  • Today I'm going to talk about where all the coins go.
  • 今天我要讲的是硬币的去向。
  • Well, the coins collected can go to all sorts of different places, from fountain maintenance to charity or public service.
  • 收集到的硬币可以用于各种不同的地方,从喷泉维护到慈善或公共服务。
  • In New York City, for example, coins collected from fountains and public parks often go towards the fountains maintenance itself.
  • 例如,在纽约市,从喷泉和公园收集的硬币通常用于喷泉的维护。
  • Though entrepreneurs who don't mind getting their hands wet often get to it first.
  • 不过,那些不介意把手弄湿的企业家往往会先下手为强。
  • There are over 50 beautiful decorative display fountains in New York City parks.
  • 在纽约市的公园里有50多个美丽的装饰喷泉。
  • They are cleaned by the park's staff every few weeks, but most of the coins have already been removed by entrepreneurial New Yorkers,
  • 公园的工作人员每隔几周就会清理这些硬币,但大多数硬币已经被富有创业精神的纽约人拿走了,
  • and there is not a significant amount left to be collected.
  • 剩下的硬币已经不多了。
  • Other cities, though, can pull in a much more serious haul.
  • 然而,其他城市可以收获更多。
  • Take, for example, Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain.
  • 以罗马著名的特莱维喷泉为例。
  • For hundreds of years, visitors have thrown coins over their shoulders into the fountain to ensure that they will return.
  • 几百年来,游客们都把硬币从肩上扔进喷泉里,以确保他们会回来。
  • So many tourists tossing coins that Roman officials have the fountain cleaned every night, reportedly getting as much as $4000 in loose change from around the world each day.
  • 很多游客往喷泉里扔硬币,以至于罗马官员每晚都要清理喷泉,据报道,每天从世界各地收到多达4000美元的零钱。
  • Most of the money collected each night goes towards running a supermarket for the needy, and collecting that cash is serious business.
  • 每晚筹到的钱大部分都用于经营一家为穷人服务的超市,筹集这些钱是一件严肃的事情。
  • Roman officials have been known to be tough on anyone caught skimming coins from the fountain.
  • 众所周知,罗马官员对任何从喷泉中偷取硬币的人都很严厉。
  • In one case in 2005, police arrested 4 fountain cleaners after they were spotted slipping coins into their own pockets after collecting them.
  • 在2005年的一起案件中,警方逮捕了4名喷泉清洁工,因为他们被发现在收集硬币后将硬币塞进自己的口袋。
  • Authorities finally caught one notorious thief named Thomas Morgan and banned him from the fountain after he fished out thousands of dollars and change over 34 years using a magnetic stick.
  • 当局最终抓住了一个名叫托马斯·摩根的臭名昭著的小偷,并禁止他进入喷泉,因为他在34年里用一根磁棒捞出了数千美元和零钱。
  • For the most part, money collected from privately owned fountains in the United States also goes to charity.
  • 在美国,从私人拥有的喷泉筹集的大部分资金也用于慈善事业。
  • The fountain in New York City's Bryant Park is owned and operated by a not-for-profit corporation, which puts the cash collected by cleaners towards the fountain's own maintenance.
  • 纽约市布莱恩特公园的喷泉由一家非营利性公司拥有和运营,该公司将清洁工收集的现金用于喷泉自身的维护。
  • Tens of thousands of dollars in coins removed from wishing wells, fountains, and ponds in Florida's Walt Disney World are donated each year to support foster children living in the state.
  • 佛罗里达州迪士尼乐园的许愿井、喷泉和池塘里每年都有价值数万美元的硬币被捐赠出来,用于支持居住在该州的寄养儿童。
  • Whether or not your wish comes true after tossing a coin into a fountain, you can rest assured knowing that the change is likely going to someone who needs it.
  • 不管你把硬币扔进喷泉后愿望是否实现,你都可以放心,因为这个改变很可能是给了需要它的人。
  • Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
  • 请根据你刚刚听到的录音回答22至25题。
  • Question 22: What problem might be caused by the growing piles of coins in fountains?
  • 问题22:喷泉里越来越多的硬币可能会引起什么问题?
  • Question 23: What does the speaker say about the coins collected from New York City's Park fountains?
  • 问题23:关于从纽约市公园喷泉收集的硬币,叙述者说了什么?
  • Question 24: What do we learn about the money collected from Rome's Trevi Fountain?
  • 问题24:关于从罗马特莱维喷泉筹集的资金,我们了解到了什么?
  • Question 25: What does the speaker say about Thomas?
  • 问题25:关于托马斯,叙述者说了些什么?


Recording Three


Throwing spare change into a fountain is a time-honored ritual.


Throw a penny into the water and your wish might come true.


But all that money has to go somewhere.


Otherwise, the growing piles of pennies, quarters, and euros could clog up the fountain's works.


Today I'm going to talk about where all the coins go.


Well, the coins collected can go to all sorts of different places, from fountain maintenance to charity or public service.


In New York City, for example, coins collected from fountains and public parks often go towards the fountains maintenance itself.


Though entrepreneurs who don't mind getting their hands wet often get to it first.


There are over 50 beautiful decorative display fountains in New York City parks.


They are cleaned by the park's staff every few weeks, but most of the coins have already been removed by entrepreneurial New Yorkers,


and there is not a significant amount left to be collected.


Other cities, though, can pull in a much more serious haul.


Take, for example, Romes famous Trevi Fountain.


For hundreds of years, visitors have thrown coins over their shoulders into the fountain to ensure that they will return.


So many tourists tossing coins that Roman officials have the fountain cleaned every night, reportedly getting as much as $4000 in loose change from around the world each day.


Most of the money collected each night goes towards running a supermarket for the needy, and collecting that cash is serious business.


Roman officials have been known to be tough on anyone caught skimming coins from the fountain.


In one case in 2005, police arrested 4 fountain cleaners after they were spotted slipping coins into their own pockets after collecting them.


Authorities finally caught one notorious thief named Thomas Morgan and banned him from the fountain after he fished out thousands of dollars and change over 34 years using a magnetic stick.


For the most part, money collected from privately owned fountains in the United States also goes to charity.


The fountain in New York City's Bryant Park is owned and operated by a not-for-profit corporation, which puts the cash collected by cleaners towards the fountain's own maintenance.


Tens of thousands of dollars in coins removed from wishing wells, fountains, and ponds in Florida's Walt Disney World are donated each year to support foster children living in the state.


Whether or not your wish comes true after tossing a coin into a fountain, you can rest assured knowing that the change is likely going to someone who needs it.


Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.


Question 22: What problem might be caused by the growing piles of coins in fountains?


Question 23: What does the speaker say about the coins collected from New York City's Park fountains?


Question 24: What do we learn about the money collected from Rome's Trevi Fountain?


Question 25: What does the speaker say about Thomas?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
fountain ['fauntin]


n. 喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水
v. 使像喷

foster ['fɔstə]


vt. 养育,培养,促进,鼓励,抱有(希望等)

charity ['tʃæriti]


n. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚

magnetic [mæg'netik]


adj. 有磁性的,有吸引力的,催眠术的

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

entrepreneurial [,ɔntrəprə'nə:riəl]


adj. 企业家的,创业者的;中间商的

assured [ə'ʃuəd]


adj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过

ritual ['ritjuəl]


n. 仪式,典礼,宗教仪式,固定程序

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸





