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  • Conversation One
  • 对话一
  • Jess, when are you going back to England?
  • 杰西,你什么时候回英国?
  • I'm going back on the 30th of July.
  • 7月30号。
  • OK, that's coming up pretty soon.
  • 哦,那快到日子了。
  • Four weeks from today, I'll be on the plane, on my way home.
  • 还有4周,我打算乘飞机回家。
  • After you go home, what are you going to do?
  • 回英国之后,你想做什么呢?
  • In September I'm going back to college.
  • 9月份的时候,我打算先回学校。
  • I want to be a primary school teacher in England,
  • 我想当一名小学教师,为了获得执教资格,
  • so I have to do a one-year course to qualify and then hopefully I'll start teaching the next September.
  • 我得在大学修完一年的课程,但愿明年的9月份我能如愿以偿。
  • Umm, a teacher. What are you going to teach?
  • 嗯,一名老师。那你教什么呢?
  • I'm teaching in a primary school, so that's all the subjects.
  • 既然是小学老师,那就需要教授全部课程。
  • I'm teaching science, English and math, maybe some French, sports and music, and any other subjects they do at eight years old.
  • 科学、英语、数学,还有法语、体育、音乐等8岁孩子该学的所有科目。
  • Wow, it's a... a big work. How old are the students you will teach?
  • 哇哦,这...这可是项大工程。那你教几岁的孩子啊?
  • I will be trained to teach from 5 to 11, and hopefully I will teach 7 or 8 year olds.
  • 5岁-11岁,但我个人希望教7岁或8岁的孩子。
  • Umm, you like kids?
  • 嗯...,你喜欢小朋友吗?
  • Yeah, when I worked in Prague I taught some children's classes and I really enjoyed them,
  • 是的。在布拉格的时候,我曾经教过一些孩子,我真的很喜欢教学,
  • so hopefully I will like it in England as well.
  • 也希望在英国教学工作能够非常愉快。
  • It will be a bit different because I'll have maybe twenty five or thirty students in a class while only twelve when I was in Prague.
  • 在布拉格教学时,一个班里只有12名学生,而现在一个班里可能有25名甚至30名学生。
  • That's a lot. What made you decide to become a teacher?
  • 这也太多了。是什么原因让你想成为一名教师呢?
  • I'm not really sure.
  • 这个我也不好说。
  • Actually my mother was a teacher and she's trying really hard to convince me that I shouldn't do it because she thinks it's too much work,
  • 其实,我妈妈就是一名教师,但她觉得教学工作太繁琐了所以不希望我步她的后尘,
  • but I enjoy talking to people and being around children and teaching.
  • 可是我喜欢跟人交流,喜欢教小孩子。
  • Hope you get what you want.
  • 那祝你梦想成真。
  • Thank you.
  • 多谢。
  • Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  • 问题8到问题11是基于你刚刚听到的这段对话的
  • Question 8. When will the woman go back home?
  • 问题8 女士计划什么时候回家?
  • Question 9. What does the woman plan to do?
  • 问题9 女士打算做什么?
  • Question 10. What can be learned about the woman's work in Prague?
  • 问题10 女士在布拉格的教学工作如何?
  • Question 11. Why doesn't the woman's mother want her to become a teacher?
  • 问题11 为什么女士的母亲不希望她从事教育工作?



Conversation One


M: Jess, when are you going back to England?

W: I'm going back on the 30th of July.
M: OK, that's coming up pretty soon.
W: Four weeks from today, I'll be on the plane, on my way home.
M: After you go home, what are you going to do?
W: In September I'm going back to college. I want to be a primary school teacher in England, so I have to do a one-year course to qualify and then hopefully I'll start teaching the next September.
M: Umm, a teacher. What are you going to teach?
W: I'm teaching in a primary school, so that's all the subjects. I'm teaching science, English and math, maybe some French, sports and music, and any other subjects they do at eight years old.
M: Wow, it's a... a big work. How old are the students you will teach?
W: I will be trained to teach from 5 to 11, and hopefully I will teach 7 or 8 year olds.
M: Umm, you like kids?
W: Yeah, when I worked in Prague I taught some children's classes and I really enjoyed them, so hopefully I will like it in England as well. It will be a bit different because I'll have maybe twenty five or thirty students in a class while only twelve when I was in Prague.
M: That's a lot. What made you decide to become a teacher?
W: I'm not really sure. Actually my mother was a teacher and she's trying really hard to convince me that I shouldn't do it because she thinks it's too much work, but I enjoy talking to people and being around children and teaching.
M: Hope you get what you want.
W: Thank you.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 8. When will the woman go back home?
问题8 女士计划什么时候回家?
Question 9. What does the woman plan to do?
问题9 女士打算做什么?
Question 10. What can be learned about the woman's work in Prague?
问题10 女士在布拉格的教学工作如何?
Question 11. Why doesn't the woman's mother want her to become a teacher?
问题11 为什么女士的母亲不希望她从事教育工作?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
qualify ['kwɔlifai]


vt. 使合格,限定,描述
vi. 合格,取得

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

convince [kən'vins]


vt. 使确信,使信服,说服





