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  • Conversation Two
  • 对话二
  • Alan, you used to be a baker?
  • 艾伦,你曾经做过面包师?
  • Yes, I did.
  • 是的。
  • That's pretty cool. Can you make anything, like bread, cake?
  • 太棒了。那你能做面包或蛋糕之类的东西吗?
  • Yeah. My specialty. What I did a lot of was different varieties of bread,
  • 当然,这是我的拿手戏。我曾经做过各式各样的糕点,
  • such as white bread, sour dough, Italian bread and French bread and so on.
  • 比如说白面包,酸面包,意式面包和法式面包等。
  • Oh, sounds good. What is the routine of a baker? Do you have to get up early, or how does that work?
  • 听起来真诱人。一位面包师的日常生活是怎样的?你需要每天早起吗,或者你觉得这份工作如何?
  • Yes. Generally most bakeries, especially bakeries that sell bread,
  • 没错。大多数烘焙师,尤其是需要售卖面包的师傅们,
  • they start operations very early in the morning.
  • 他们很早就起床开始工作啦。
  • Why?
  • 为什么?
  • If you want to get the bread out as early as possible, bread bakers must start at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m.
  • 如果想让面包尽早出炉,面包师们需要凌晨3、4点钟就开始准备。
  • They'll come in and open up the shop.
  • 来到店铺后开门营业。
  • They'll get everything going, fire up the ovens and start mixing the bread dough.
  • 将需要的东西准备好,把烤箱预热后让面团发酵。
  • So the bakery can open at 8 in the morning, and the customers get fresh baked bread.
  • 这样才能保证在早上8点钟准时营业,顾客也能买到新鲜的面包。
  • So a baker is really diligent. And what would you say is the best thing about being a baker?
  • 所以面包师们真的很辛苦。你觉得身为一名面包师最骄傲的一点是什么?
  • The best thing about being a baker would be making all those fancy desserts.
  • 我觉得应该是可以制作出各式各样的甜点。
  • I enjoyed that part of baking, making those kinds of products.
  • 我很享受制作各种点心的这一过程。
  • Was there anything that you did not like about being a baker?
  • 那作为一名面包师有没有不顺心之处?
  • Pretty much, specifically, I didn't like the working hours.
  • 那太多了,尤其是工作时间。面包师的这一工作性质还算可以,
  • The actual work was not bad but the working hours and the pay were not so good.
  • 但工作时间不规律,报酬也不是很高。
  • OK, well, still you'd have to love that smell of fresh bread every day.
  • 嗯,好的,但你还是喜欢每天沉浸在面包的香气里。
  • I did enjoy that.
  • 是的,我很喜欢。
  • Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  • 问题12到问题15是基于你刚刚听到的这段对话的
  • Question 12.What did the man do?
  • 问题12 男士的职业是?
  • Question 13.What can be learned from the man's routine?
  • 问题13 男士每天的日常是怎样的?
  • Question 14.What does the man like best about his job?
  • 问题14 男士最喜欢这份工作的哪个特点?
  • Question 15.What can be learned about the job of being a baker?
  • 问题15 面包师这一职业有什么特点?



Conversation Two


W: Alan, you used to be a baker?

W: 艾伦,你曾经做过面包师?
M: Yes, I did.
M: 是的。
W: That's pretty cool. Can you make anything, like bread, cake?
W: 太棒了。那你能做面包或蛋糕之类的东西吗?
M: Yeah. My specialty. What I did a lot of was different varieties of bread, such as white bread, sour dough, Italian bread and French bread and so on.
M: 当然,这是我的拿手戏。我曾经做过各式各样的糕点,比如说白面包,酸面包,意式面包和法式面包等。
W: Oh, sounds good. What is the routine of a baker? Do you have to get up early, or how does that work?
W: 听起来真诱人。一位面包师的日常生活是怎样的?你需要每天早起吗,或者你觉得这份工作如何?
M: Yes. Generally most bakeries, especially bakeries that sell bread, they start operations very early in the morning.
M: 没错。大多数烘焙师,尤其是需要售卖面包的师傅们,他们很早就起床开始工作啦。
W: Why?
W: 为什么?
M: If you want to get the bread out as early as possible, bread bakers must start at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. They'll come in and open up the shop. They'll get everything going, fire up the ovens and start mixing the bread dough. So the bakery can open at 8 in the morning, and the customers get fresh baked bread.
M: 如果想让面包尽早出炉,面包师们需要凌晨3、4点钟就开始准备。来到店铺后开门营业。将需要的东西准备好,把烤箱预热后让面团发酵。这样才能保证在早上8点钟准时营业,顾客也能买到新鲜的面包。
W: So a baker is really diligent. And what would you say is the best thing about being a baker?
W: 所以面包师们真的很辛苦。你觉得身为一名面包师最骄傲的一点是什么?
M: The best thing about being a baker would be making all those fancy desserts. I enjoyed that part of baking, making those kinds of products.
M: 我觉得应该是可以制作出各式各样的甜点。我很享受制作各种点心的这一过程。
W: Was there anything that you did not like about being a baker?
W: 那作为一名面包师有没有不顺心之处?
M: Pretty much, specifically, I didn't like the working hours. The actual work was not bad but the working hours and the pay were not so good.
M: 那太多了,尤其是工作时间。面包师的这一工作性质还算可以,但工作时间不规律,报酬也不是很高。
W: OK, well, still you'd have to love that smell of fresh bread every day.
W: 嗯,好的,但你还是喜欢每天沉浸在面包的香气里。
M: I did enjoy that.
M: 是的,我很喜欢。

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 12.What did the man do?
问题12 男士的职业是?
Question 13.What can be learned from the man's routine?
问题13 男士每天的日常是怎样的?
Question 14.What does the man like best about his job?
问题14 男士最喜欢这份工作的哪个特点?
Question 15.What can be learned about the job of being a baker?
问题15 面包师这一职业有什么特点?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

routine [ru:'ti:n]


n. 例行公事,常规,无聊
adj. 常规的,

diligent ['dilidʒənt]


adj. 勤奋的,用功的





