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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

11. You ought to have asked Louis about that,() .

A. haven’t you B. hadn’t you √C. oughtn’t you D. didn’t you

12. The number of students in this college () this year.

A. are increased B. have been increased

√C. has been increased D. is increased


13. Nobody but Smith and John () in the laboratory yesterday.

A. are B. were √C. was D. had

Nobody 强调个体时用单数;强调数量时用复数,如第35题;

14. Neither Bill nor his parents () at home today.

A. is √B. are C. stayed D. has

Neither …nor…. Either….or……

Not only….but also …. Not….but….


15. Dr. smith together with his wife and two sons() to arrive this evening.

A. are B. are going C. will be √ D. is


16. A new television series () that they can and should think about

career development.

A. teach handicapped children B. taught handicapped children

√C. teaches handicapped children D. teaching handicapped children

series单复数相同;信号词为A new ….

17. I , who () one of your sincere friends, will try my best to help you out

of this trouble.

A. be B. are √C. am D. is

18. At the rail station() a soldier and two young ladies on their way to

New York.

A. was B. is C. be √D. are

信号词为and ;

19. Ninety-three million miles from the Earth to the Sun() a long distance.

A. seem √B. seems C. seeming D. seem to be


20. That singer and dancer () our evening party.

A. are to attend √B. is to attend C. were to attend D. is attended

信号词为that ;




