现代社会,每个人压力都非常大,很多人在遇到困难的任务时都会先将它束之高阁,但这样做总是后患无穷。如果你不想最后时刻一下子处理一堆又难又枯燥的工作的话,或许你应该改掉你的拖延症了。下面介绍六个战胜拖延的小方法,简简单单就能提高时间管理的能力。 1.Make specific plans. Just setting a date and a time when you’re going to do something makes you more likely to follow through. Or write down the steps necessary to do the work.
2.Use short, painless dashes of effort. Just have at it for five minutes and feel free to watch the clock. Chances are you’ll realize it’s not so bad.
3.Rewarding yourself for doing things you don’t want to do can be a powerful motivator.
4.Asking yourself whether you intend on doing something is a more powerful motivator than telling yourself you will do it.
5.Understand the secrets to willpower, breaking bad habits, productivity, and achieving goals.
6.Forgive yourself when you do procrastinate to prevent a vicious circle.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/career/201306/244643.shtml