If managers can identify their employees’ personality styles, they can better understand what to expect from them and how to interact with them.Here are the four personality types of office workers:
1. Direct. Someone with a direct personality style will have a desk covered with paperwork, though it’s probably organized in piles. They typically prefer to learn independently and are action-oriented, so they may seem impatient or bored in group settings.
Direct personalities tend to use language such as “you must” or “you should.” They also speak loudly and quickly and state their own opinions as facts. Furthermore, these people also have poor listening skills, so if you need to give them instructions, be direct and straightforward in your interaction.These people constantly feel like they need to be in a hurry and tend to make quick decisions.
2. Spirited. A spirited person usually has a messy desk, and papers strewneverywhere, along with magazines, receipts, forms, books and other things.If your employees have a spirited personality, they prefer to learn in groups and enjoy being mentored and attending conferences.
If you notice someone who resists completing an online self-study program, that is a clue that the individual has a spirited style.People with this type of personality tend to exaggerate and talk a lot. They’re very good at beginning new projects, but need a little more encouragement to finish existing ones.
3. Considerate. This type of person’s desk is cluttered, yet they know where everything is. They may also have pictures of serene landscapes, group photos and other personal items prominently displayed.
Considerate people prefer to learn in group settings, especially team-building activities, and they don’t enjoy taking on new projects on a whim.People with considerate personalities speak slowly and softly and are often reluctant to offer their own opinions.They listen carefully before they speak and engage in a lot of small talk.
4. Systematic. This personality type usually has a tidy desk clear of papers, except the ones they’re currently working on. They also clean off their desk every night and the only materials visible are job-related, such as graphs and charts.
4. 系统型。这类人的书桌通常很整洁,桌上除了他们正在处理的那些,没有其他文件。他们每晚会清理办公桌,唯一能看见的材料也是与工作相关的,比如图表。
Systematic people prefer to think independently, may be reluctant to participate in classroom settings and are deadline-driven. They also tend to use precise language and prefer to share facts and data rather than their own opinions.