CRI News Report:中共党代会拟召开 薄熙来被免一切职务
The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China or CPC is proposed to convene on Nov. 8 in&nbs -
CRI News Report:国防部否认谣言 外交部再次申明
China's Defense Ministry has denied reports that the country is building a second aircraft carrier in Shanghai -
CRI News Report:安倍当选自民党党首 中外交部重申立场
Japan's former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been elected as the top leader of the main opposition Liberal  -
CRI News Report:国务院发布白皮书 辽宁号航母正式服役
The Chinese government has issued a white paper on Diaoyu Islands Tuesday.中国政府在周二时候发布钓鱼岛白皮书。Entitled "Diaoyu Dao, an& -
CRI News Report:王立军判决15年 中日周年庆无期
Court in China has sentenced Wang Lijun to 15 years in prison for bending the law for selfish ends, defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking. 中国法院判决王立军因徇私枉法、以权谋私、滥用职权和受贿而处以15年有期徒刑。 Wang, Chongq... -
CRI News Report:外交部重申领土主权 中国日报发表社评
China askes Japan to immediately stop all acts that harm China's territorial sovereignty.中国要求日本立刻停止任何侵犯中国领土主权的行径。Foreign Mi -
CRI News Report:中吁日重回对话轨道 中欧经贸合作加速
The Chinese government has put out a new call for Japan to return to negotiations over the Diaoyu Islands. 中国政府再次呼吁日本重回谈判解决钓鱼岛问题的轨道上来。 -
CRI News Report:美防长表态不站队 警察拘留暴力犯
The visiting US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says U.S. won't take sides over Diaoyu Islands. 到访的美国国防部长帕内塔表示,美国将在钓鱼岛事件中不偏袒任何一方。 -
CRI News Report:杨洁篪会见利比亚代表团 俄罗斯发表声明
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has met with a delegation from Syria's opposition parties here in Beijing. 中国外交部长杨洁篪同利比亚反对派代表团于北京进行会面。 -
CRI News Report:中海监船巡视完毕 湄公河惨案主犯将受审
he Chinese government says its patrols in the waters around the Diaoyu Islands have been successful in achieving&nb -
CRI News Report:中国海监船驶抵钓鱼岛 美防长来华
Two Chinese surveillance ship fleets have arrived in the waters around Diaoyu Islands.[qh]两艘中国海监船已经驶抵钓鱼岛近海海域。[qh]This comes after& -
CRI News Report:大使死亡后续美海军抵达利比亚
The U.S. Navy has sent two destroyers to Libyan waters.[qh]美国海军派出两艘驱逐舰,抵达利比亚附近海域。[qh]This follows the killing of the U.S.&nbs -
CRI News Report:中国重申钓鱼岛 云南地震灾区防疫
A senior Chinese diplomat has pressed China's position on the Diaoyu Islands during a meeting with a senior&nbs -
CRI News Report:甘肃10名矿工死亡 香港整顿边境秩序
10 confirmed dead in colliery accident in NW China中国西北地区煤矿事故确认10例死亡。All ten workers have been confirmed dead after they fell off an overturned platform in a coal mine in northwest Chi -
CRI News Report:温家宝灾区指挥救援 财政部拨款重建
Directing rescue work in a temporary tent in the quake zone, Wen Jiabao said the top priority now is to&n
南方各州是美国最贫穷的地方,而富豪大多居住在东北部和大西洋中部地区。 -
周一,美国,日本和其他十个国家签署了庞大的贸易协议。该协议将降低贸易壁垒 - 3
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