CRI News Report:深圳航空航班起飞后收到威胁信息 备降武汉
Thirty-seven miners have been confirmed dead and ten others were still trapped after Wednesday's gas explosion in a coal mine in the southwestern province of Sichuan.周三在西南部四川省一个煤矿 -
CRI News Report:伊朗希望和其他国家加强核能技术能源开发合作
The head of Iran's atomic energy agency says the country is ready to cooperate with other countries for its nuclear energy development.伊朗原子能机构负责人表示这个国家在核能源开发上正准备与其 -
CRI News Report:美国卫生部门着手应对西尼罗河病毒严重疫情
U.S. health authorities are dealing with the worst-ever outbreak of the West Nile virus.美国卫生部门正着手应对西尼罗河病毒严重疫情。Health officials are warning the outbreak could get worse.卫生官员警 -
CRI News Report:萨马拉斯表示不求更多金钱援助 但求2年额外时间
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has wrapped up meetings with the head of Eurogroup, saying his country is moving toward economic stability.希腊总理萨马拉斯已经结束了与欧元集团负责人们的会谈,他表 -
CRI News Report:潘基文将如期赴约伊朗不结盟运动峰会
The chief of the People's Bank of China has been alluding to possibly more cuts in the banks' reserve requirements, or possibly interest rates.中国人民银行首席执行官暗示银行的存款准备 -
CRI News Report:银行发表声明否认黄金不翼而飞
Seven Chinese people who had been detained by Japan after landing on the Diaoyu Islands have returned to harbour in Hong Kong.我国7名保钓人士已经回到香港。A large number of Hong Kong citizens welcome -
CRI News Report:国家气象中心预计强冷空气将在未来2天到达中国北部
Two are reported dead and 10 others are missing after rain storms in southwest China's Sichuan Province.据报道,在中国西南四川省的暴雨造成2人死亡,10人失踪。Local authorities say the heavy rain -
CRI News Report:俄火箭从海上成功发射美国卫星
As the South African government vows to uncover truth about a tragedy in which dozens of miners were killed, the Lonmin Marikana Platinum Mine has decided to compensate all the families who have lost -
CRI News Report:俄罗斯反对在叙利亚设立禁飞区
Russia opposes establishing no-fly zone over Syria俄罗斯反对在叙利亚设立禁飞区Russia says Russia opposes the idea of setting up a no-fly zone over Syria, which, it believes, would be a violation of S -
CRI News Report:中国国务委员前往俄罗斯进行安全会谈
All 31 passengers, including minister, killed in Sudanese plane crash: airport spokesman机场发言人称所有31名乘客,包括部长在内全部于苏丹飞机失事中丧生A plane crash in Sudan on early Sunday has claimed -
CRI News Report:中缅甸警方联手合作破获跨境贩毒团伙
Chinese, Myanmar police bust cross-border drug gang中国,缅甸警方破获跨境贩毒团伙Police from China and Myanmar are reporting the bust of a cross-border drug gang and the seizure of more than 400 kilo -
CRI News Report:8月中国贸易顺差大幅收缩
China's trade surplus to narrow in August8月中国贸易顺差大幅收缩China's trade surplus will continue to narrow in August, as export growth is likely to stay low, according to a report -
CRI News Report:40名塔利班武装分子死亡 30名在阿富汗被逮捕
40 Taliban insurgents killed, 30 arrested in Afghanistan40名塔利班武装分子死亡,30名在阿富汗被逮捕About 40 Taliban insurgents were killed and 30 others detained in military operations within the past -
CRI News Report:伊朗两次地震造成250人死亡
250 killed in twin quakes in Iran伊朗两次地震造成250人死亡The death toll of Saturday's strong twin quakes in northwest Iran has risen to 250 and some two thousand others were injured.周六伊朗 -
CRI News Report:中国钢铁产量31年来首次于2012年度可能降低
China's 2012 Steel Output May Fall; 1st Time in 31 Years中国钢铁产量31年来首次于2012年度可能降低The China Iron and Steel Association is reporting crude steel output here in China may fall for
南方各州是美国最贫穷的地方,而富豪大多居住在东北部和大西洋中部地区。 -
周一,美国,日本和其他十个国家签署了庞大的贸易协议。该协议将降低贸易壁垒 - 3
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