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2012年11月AP News in a minute(MP3+中英字幕)_美联社新闻
AP News一分钟新闻:强力球头奖奖金持续增高
强力球头奖奖金仍在不断增加。彩票工作人员表示现在奖金已经达到了5亿5千万美元。单人中奖赢家税前可获得3亿6千万美元奖金。 -
AP News一分钟新闻:孟加拉服装厂大火引发工人游行抗议
孟加拉一家工厂着火造成超过100名工人死亡。这间工厂是一间制作T恤衫和Polo衫的服装厂。抗议者要求为遇难者讨回公道,并要求加强安全措施。 -
AP News一分钟新闻:已故女星安娜6岁女儿继承母亲衣钵
这里是美联社娱乐新闻。哈莉·贝瑞的前男友因在感恩节与哈莉的演员未婚夫扭打成一团而收到临时限制令。这一禁令限制奥利维·马丁内兹在12月17日的听证会之前必须与盖柏瑞·欧布莱保持至少100码的距离。 -
AP News一分钟新闻:飓风桑迪过,纽约市民乐观迎接感恩节
欢迎收听今天的美联社新闻娱乐新闻版。麦当娜在俄罗斯音乐会上大谈同性恋问题并表态对俄国同性恋支持,引起轩然大波惹了大麻烦。 -
AP News一分钟新闻:飓风桑迪过,纽约市民乐观迎接感恩节
At least two people are dead and dozens more injured in a pileup involving at least 100 vehicles that for -
AP News一分钟新闻:加州动物权益保护人士号召收养火鸡做宠物
An official says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has returned to Jerusalem for another round of meetings with&nb -
AP News一分钟新闻:美国印第安纳波利斯发生爆炸,事故原因可能系谋杀
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is heading to the Middle East. President Obama was sending her to me -
AP News一分钟新闻:旧金山"禁裸提案"引发民众裸体抗议
The Palestinian death toll was mounted Monday after Israeli aircrafts struck the Gaza strip. At least four people&n -
AP News一分钟新闻:英国石油BP以40亿与美国政府达成和解
President Barack Obama has his first look at the devastation that Superstorm Sandy waged on New York City. He& -
AP News一分钟新闻:以色列炮轰加沙地带哈马斯集团
The Israel military says its iron dome rocket defense system has shot down an incoming projectile bound for Te -
AP News一分钟新闻:奥巴马拒涨富人税,超级圣诞树运抵纽约
President Barack Obama says he has no evidence that the scandal surrounding retired General David Petraeus has had& -
AP News一分钟新闻:瑞安·洛赫特暂别影视圈,重返泳坛
Amanda Bynes has pleaded no guilty in her two hitting run cases. She'll now be back in court on Octob -
AP News一分钟新闻:纽约禁学生带手机催生电子设备存储业务
Mitt Romney is basking in rave reviews after his first face-off with the president. Meantime President Barack Obama -
AP News一分钟新闻:鲍勃·贝克尔终身帮助动物,将被授予霍顿爵士奖
Drew Barrymore is a mum. The actress and her husband, Will Kopelman, now have a baby girl named Olive Bar -
AP News一分钟新闻:可远距离遥控,水下使用的相机hero3面世
A 21-year-old man has been held without bail on charges that he plot blow up the Federal Reserve building
南方各州是美国最贫穷的地方,而富豪大多居住在东北部和大西洋中部地区。 -
周一,美国,日本和其他十个国家签署了庞大的贸易协议。该协议将降低贸易壁垒 - 3
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