Do you think that connecting more people to the sky, possibly through this hobby and astrophotography, is a way to help people better understand the research that scientists are doing and the things that are going on in astrophysics?[qh]
Yes, I do think it's really important for people to find ways to connect with the universe that is kind of beyond the piece that is human affairs, right?[qh]
We are one part of the universe, but we are such a tiny fraction of it, and there are all these other incredible things happening and there are these photons arriving at our atmosphere, and some of them are getting through our atmosphere, and some of them are still visible despite any light pollution.[qh]
One of the reasons that I actually picked up the Seestar was because there's an urban astrophotography blog that I had read that was like, this is actually something where, even if you're in the most light polluted environment, it will be able to craft images of the cosmos for you.[qh]
我使用Seestar(天文望远镜)是因为我曾经看过一条城市天文摄影博客,它说即使在污染最轻的环境中,它也能够为你制作宇宙图像 。[qh]
And I think there is something powerful about also recognizing that we can make the night sky accessible even in urban environments.[qh]
And also, actually, the moon is pretty cool when you look at it magnified.[qh]
And I do actually think there's something different to doing it yourself versus just downloading images on the internet that NASA or somebody else has captured for you.[qh]
我确实认为,与去网上下载NASA或其他人拍摄的图像相比,自己亲自做这件事有一些不同之处 。[qh]
Like, I think the work that NASA Astrophysics does is incredible and should be extraordinarily well-funded, better funded than it has been historically and the levels that it's currently at.[qh]
比如,我认为NASA天体物理学所做的工作令人难以置信,它应该得到非常充足的资金,得到比以前和现在更多的资金 。[qh]
But I also think that there's something magical about looking in a telescope and seeing it for yourself through the eyepiece or actually engaging in the work of choosing, okay, this is the thing I'm going to take an image of, I'm going to center it myself, I've chosen the night.[qh]
This image is partly now my creation.[qh]
And it's really--at that point it's an art form.[qh]
You're no longer just making technical decisions about how long your exposure will be.[qh]
You're also making decisions about what features you want to draw out.[qh]
And that is a form of connection you don't get from just looking at the image, because you're actually engaging with making decisions about what you want to see, what you want to highlight, what stood out to you about this cosmic phenomenon.[qh]
So for people at home who are now feeling really excited about this idea, what are your tips for getting started?[qh]
What kind of resources are out there for people who are beginners, who maybe don't have a lot of resources or money to put toward this?[qh]
One forum that I will point everyone to is the Cloudy Nights forum, especially if you're a beginner.[qh]
我向大家推荐Cloudy Nights论坛,尤其是初学者更要去看 。[qh]
There's a beginner's part of the forum and you can post pretty much any question.[qh]
The other thing that I will say is there are still a few dedicated astronomy telescope stores in the United States--so, actual storefronts--so you will find that people will just talk to you and tell you things.[qh]
And I really encourage people not to go to Amazon, because they're not going to help you if you don't know how to use your equipment, but these other places actually will.[qh]
High Point Scientific, Agena is a great astrophotography store.[qh]
High Point Scientific, Agena是一家特别好的天文摄影商店 。[qh]
So, there is stuff that's available with things that you may already have at home or that you can get relatively cheaply.[qh]
There's also a Facebook group for everything, like there's a Facebook group for my mount, there's a Facebook group for my telescope, there's a Facebook group for the computer I have attached, and people are pretty welcoming.[qh]
还有各种各样的Facebook群,比如,我有Facebook底架群,有Facebook望远镜群,还有一个Facebook电脑群,大家都很欢迎新人的加入 。[qh]
The one thing I will say is that I've only seen another person who's visibly or identifiably not a man in these groups basically once so far.[qh]
I have run into a couple of other Black people.[qh]
But I especially want to say, folks, you are needed, particularly to the young women and non-binary people and trans folks.[qh]
We need to be out there being engaged and involved, because the cosmos belongs to all of us.[qh]
Yes, let's get involved![qh]
Thank you so much for being here, Chanda, and talking to us.[qh]
Thank you so much for having me.[qh]