This week we received a question from Evewero in Nigeria.
What is the difference between "please" and "kindly."
Some ... use the two words together, e.g. "please kindly assist." - Evewero, Nigeria
Dear Evewero, Thank you kindly for writing to us.
"Kindly" can be an adverb, a word that usually describes a verb.
If your teacher says, "Kindly hand in your homework," she is using kindly as an adverb to make a polite request.
假设老师说:“请把作业交上来,” 她是在用副词“kindly”来礼貌地提出要求。
Another way to use the word as an adverb is:
The animal doctor always treats our pets kindly.
"Kindly" is also an adjective. If someone helped you at the post office, you might say:
A kindly man helped me mail my letter.
There, kindly describes "man" which is a noun. You could also use the word "nice" to express the same idea.
"Please" can be an adverb or a verb. It also can be used to make a request politely:
Would you please pass the salt?
Please give me your homework.
And, Americans almost always use "please" when making a request in the form of a statement as opposed to a question:
Give me two tickets, please.
Please, sir, help us!
I hope this answer "pleases" you - there, I used it as a verb.
"Kindly" visit our website again for more lessons!
And that's Ask a Teacher for this week.
I'm Jill Robbins.