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  • Attack on bus driver brings safety review
  • 保卫方向盘,多地纷纷出招治车闹
  • It was a shock and a painful lesson for many people when the police announced the cause of a bus accident in Chongqing on Oct 28.
  • 警方公布了“1028”重庆公交坠江事故的原因,给许多人上了震惊又沉痛的一课。
  • Video footage from inside the bus suggested that after a passenger missed her stop and asked the bus driver to stop, he refused, and she began hitting him over the head with her cell phone.
  • 据车内监控显示,一名乘客因错过下车地点要求司机停车,被司机拒绝后,她开始用手机击打司机头部。
  • During the conflict, the driver lost control of the bus and it plunged into the Yangtze River.
  • 冲突中,司机驾驶的公交车失控,坠入长江。
  • The accident left 13 people dead and two missing, according to Xinhua.
  • 据新华社报道,该事故造成13人死亡,2人失踪。
  • Zheng Chuankai, a lawyer with Anli Partners in Beijing, said the accident showed that it is important that those who cause danger to public safety face stiff penalties.
  • 北京安理律师事务所律师郑传锴认为,这起事件表明,严惩危害公共安全之人很有必要。
  • Such attacks are vicious but common, Zheng told The New York Times.
  • 这样的车闹性质恶劣但很常见,郑传锴在接受《纽约时报》采访时表示。
  • In fact, it is not rare to hear of passengers attacking bus drivers in China.
  • 事实上,乘客攻击公交司机的事情在国内屡见不鲜。
  • This month, a local court in Shenyang, Liaoning province, sentenced three people to up to three years in prison for endangering public safety by distracting bus drivers, Xinhua reported.
  • 据新华社报道,本月,辽宁沈阳基层法院判处三人三年有期徒刑,认为他们先前拉拽公交司机的行为已构成危害公共安全罪。
  • "Passengers who interfere with bus drivers are endangering public safety, which is tantamount to serious crimes like arson and poisoning," Liu Changsong, a Beijing lawyer, told the Global Times.
  • “妨碍公交司机驾驶的乘客已构成危害公共安全罪,等同于纵火罪、投毒罪等重罪,”北京律师刘昌松在接受《环球时报》采访时表示。
  • To prevent similar cases from happening, many Chinese cities have taken measures to keep bus drivers safe.
  • 为避免类似事件再度发生,全国多地都采取了措施以保护公交司机的安全。
  • Beijing, with over 70 percent of buses having separate driver's cabins, has promised to replace old buses that do not have safety partitions with new ones having such devices.
  • 北京超7成公交已安装驾驶舱屏蔽门,并承诺更新替换未安装屏蔽门的公交车。
  • Dozens of cities including Xi'an, Wuhan, Changsha and Nanning have plans to add safety partitions to buses to protect drivers from any interference by passengers.
  • 包括西安、武汉、长沙、南宁在内的十余座城市计划在公交车内安装护栏,保护司机不受乘客干扰。
  • The bus operator in Quanzhou, Fujian province, has invited psychologists to teach drivers how to manage their emotions when encountering an angry passenger.
  • 福建泉州公交公司已邀请心理学家对司机进行培训,学习面对愤怒乘客时如何处理好自己的情绪。
  • "These measures are necessary, but they are not enough," said Xinhua.
  • “这些措施很有必要,但是还不够,”新华社报道称。
  • "Public security is closely connected with social morality. People should obey the law, and be self-disciplined and calmer and more rational."
  • “社会公共安全水平与社会公德素养密不可分。人人应谨持法律之戒,于己加强修养、慎微慎独,遇事克制冲动、理性平和。”
  • Many countries have introduced measures to deal with the problem of violence against bus drivers.
  • 针对公交司机的暴力事件,许多国家都采取了措施。
  • According to CGTN, on every bus in the US state of New Jersey, a sign on the back of the driver's seat warns passengers that anyone attacking a driver can be fined or put into prison.
  • 据中国国际电视台报道,在美国新泽西州的每辆公交车上,驾驶座的背面都贴有警示:攻击司机将面临罚款或监禁。
  • In London, the local government has launched a program to train drivers to deal with angry passengers and avoid potential conflicts, BBC News reported.
  • 据BBC新闻报道,伦敦当地政府发起了一个项目,培训司机如何应对愤怒的乘客,避免潜在冲突。


Attack on bus driver brings safety review

It was a shock and a painful lesson for many people when the police announced the cause of a bus accident in Chongqing on Oct 28.
Video footage from inside the bus suggested that after a passenger missed her stop and asked the driver to stop, he refused, and she began hitting him over the head with her cell phone.
During the conflict, the driver lost control of the bus and it plunged into the Yangtze River.


The accident left 13 people dead and two missing, according to Xinhua.

Zheng Chuankai, a lawyer with Anli Partners in Beijing, said the accident showed that it is important that those who cause danger to public safety face stiff penalties.
Such attacks are vicious but common, Zheng told The New York Times.
In fact, it is not rare to hear of passengers attacking bus drivers in China.
This month, a local court in Shenyang, Liaoning province, sentenced three people to up to three years in prison for endangering public safety by distracting bus drivers, Xinhua reported.
"Passengers who interfere with bus drivers are endangering public safety, which is tantamount to serious crimes like arson and poisoning," Liu Changsong, a Beijing lawyer, told the GlobalTimes.
To prevent similar cases from happening, many Chinese cities have taken measures to keep bus drivers safe.
Beijing, with over 70 percent of buses having separate driver's cabins, has promised to replace old buses that do not have safety partitions with new ones having such devices.
Dozens of cities including Xi'an, Wuhan, Changsha and Nanning have plans to add safety partitions to buses to protect drivers from any interference by passengers.
The bus operator in Quanzhou, Fujian province, has invited psychologists to teach drivers how to manage their emotions when encountering an angry passenger.
"These measures are necessary, but they are not enough," said Xinhua.
"Public security is closely connected with social morality. People should obey the law, be self-disciplined and calmer and be more rational."
Many countries have introduced measures to deal with the problem of violence against bus drivers.
According to CGTN, on every bus in the US state of New Jersey, a sign on the back of the driver's seat warns passengers that anyone attacking a driver can be fined or put into prison.
In London, the local government has launched a program to train drivers to deal with angry passengers and avoid potential conflicts, BBC News reported.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

interference [.intə'fiərəns]


n. 妨碍,干扰
[计算机] 干涉

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

vicious ['viʃəs]


adj. 恶毒的,恶意的,凶残的,剧烈的,严重的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的

rational ['ræʃənəl]


adj. 合理的,理性的,能推理的
n. 有理





