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  • Stand out with strange fashion
  • 丑时尚正流行
  • Have you ever looked at a fashionable item of clothing and felt confused?
  • 看到一件潮流服饰单品时,你是否曾感到困惑?
  • If so, your confusion may have made sense.
  • 如果是,你的困惑或许情有可原。
  • Last month, high fashion brand Balenciaga released a "T-shirt shirt", which is a shirt sewn on the front of a T-shirt.
  • 上个月,高级时尚品牌巴黎世家推出了一款“T恤衬衫”,将一件衬衫缝在了T恤的正面。
  • The unusual design has certainly confused a lot of people.
  • 此番不同寻常的设计无疑让不少人摸不到头脑。
  • But the "double shirt" isn't fighting alone on the frontier of strange fashion.
  • 但这款“两穿衬衫”并非在古怪潮流的前沿单打独斗。
  • Ever since US shoe manufacturer Crocs released its famous hole-filled foam shoes,
  • 《时装商业评论》网站指出,自从美国制鞋企业卡骆驰推出其著名的泡沫洞洞鞋以来,
  • so-called "ugly fashion" hasn't showed any signs of slowing down, the Business of Fashion website noted.
  • 所谓的“丑时尚”热度丝毫没有消减下来的势头。
  • British designer Paul Surridge believes that
  • 英国设计师保罗·瑟里奇认为,
  • the rise of ugly fashion is a sign that people are bored of looking perfect all the time.
  • 丑时尚的兴起表明人们已经厌倦了时刻看起来都完美无瑕。
  • "Fashion thrives on novelty," he told the Financial Times.
  • “时尚兴起于新奇,”他在接受《金融时报》采访时表示。
  • Indeed, fashion is all about changes.
  • 的确,时尚就是变化。
  • Something that's considered uncool one minute can then turn out to be the latest must-have fashion item the next.
  • 上一分钟还被认为不时髦的东西,下一分钟就可能变成人手必备的最新潮流单品。
  • And in the eyes of US fashion writer Megan Collins, ugly doesn't necessarily mean the design of the item is ugly.
  • 在美国时尚作家梅根·柯林斯看来,丑并不意味着单品的设计不好看。
  • After all, ugly is something subjective.
  • 毕竟,丑都是主观人为的判断。
  • "Ugly fashion means 'not the mainstream', it's not what everyone's wearing,
  • “丑时尚意味着‘非主流’,它并不是人人都在穿的样式,
  • it's not what the general population considers as 'in' right now," she told style news site Fashionista.
  • 也不是主流大众目前所认为的‘时髦’,”她在接受时尚新闻网站Fashionista采访时表示。
  • But throughout the history of fashion, when any new trend appears,
  • 但纵观时尚史,当任何新潮流出现时,
  • most people tend to hate it, before it eventually becomes loved.
  • 大多数人一开始并不喜欢,到后来新潮流才会为大众所喜爱。
  • As Italian designer Miuccia Prada told The New York Times,
  • 正如意大利设计师缪西娅·普拉达在接受《纽约时报》采访时所说的那样,
  • "Maybe because it is newer, ugly is attractive. Ugly is exciting."
  • “或许是因为丑陋的物品更加新奇,所以有着更强的吸引力、令人兴奋。”
  • Meanwhile, popular social media fashion bloggers also help people to pick up new ugly fashion trends.
  • 与此同时,社交媒体上的热门时尚博主也助推了人们接受丑时尚这一新趋势。
  • These bloggers express themselves through their clothes,
  • 这些博主通过服饰表达自我,
  • showing their unique personalities and making statements with their wardrobe choices.
  • 展现自己的独特个性,并用衣品发声。
  • However, as Clever-ish Magazine noted, just being comfortable in your own skin could actually be "the best look".
  • 正如《Clever-ish》杂志指出的那样,舒舒服服地做自己其实就是“最佳装扮”。
  • "I personally love having a unique expression, because without ugly fashion and diversity, we'd all look the same,"
  • “我个人喜欢独特的表达,因为要是没有丑时尚与多样性的话,我们看起来都一个样,”
  • Australian fashion influencer Zanita Whittington told Fashionista.
  • 澳大利亚时尚大咖萨妮塔·惠廷顿在接受Fashionista 网站采访时表示。
  • "I appreciate anything that's out of the norm."
  • “我欣赏不走寻常路的任何事物。”


Stand out with strange fashion

Have you ever looked at a fashionable item of clothing and felt confused?
If so, your confusion may have made sense.
Last month, high fashion brand Balenciaga released a "T-shirt shirt", which is a shirt sewn on the front of a T-shirt. The unusual design has certainly confused a lot of people.
But the "double shirt" isn't fighting alone2018/6/27 on the frontier of strange fashion. Ever since US shoe manufacturer Crocs released its famous hole-filled foam shoes, so-called "ugly fashion" hasn't showed any signs of slowing down, the Business of Fashion website noted.
British designer Paul Surridge believes that the rise of ugly fashion is a sign that people are bored of looking perfect all the time. "(Fashion) thrives on novelty," he told the Financial Times.


Indeed, fashion is all about changes. Something that's considered uncool one minute can then turn out to be the latest must-have fashion item the next.

And in the eyes of US fashion writer Megan Collins, ugly doesn't necessarily mean the design of the item is ugly. After all, ugly is something subjective. "Ugly fashion means 'not the mainstream', it's not what everyone's wearing, it's not what the general population considers as 'in' right now," she told style news site Fashionista.
But throughout the history of fashion, when any new trend appears, most people tend to hate it, before it eventually becomes loved. As Italian designer Miuccia Prada told The New York Times, "Maybe because it is newer, ugly is attractive. Ugly is exciting."
Meanwhile, popular social media fashion bloggers also help people to pick up new ugly fashion trends. These bloggers express themselves through their clothes, showing their unique personalities and making statements with their wardrobe choices. However, as Clever-ish Magazine noted, just being comfortable in your own skin could actually be "the best look".
"I personally love having a unique expression, because without ugly fashion and diversity, we'd all look the same," Australian fashion influencer Zanita Whittington told Fashionista. "I appreciate anything that's out of the norm.”
“我个人喜欢独特的表达,因为要是没有丑时尚与多样性的话,我们看起来都一个样,”澳大利亚时尚大咖萨妮塔·惠廷顿在接受Fashionista 网站采访时表示。“我欣赏不走寻常路的任何事物。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

designer [di'zainə]


n. 设计者

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub]


n. 衣柜,衣橱
n. 全部服装

novelty ['nɔvəlti]


n. 新奇,新奇的事物,小装饰

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

frontier ['frʌntjə]


n. 边界,边境,尖端,边缘





