When the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks published leaked emails of the U.S. Democratic National Committee last month, it caused major embarrassment to the party, and that is the chair of U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to quit.
当泄密网站"维基解密"公布了美国民主党全国委员会被泄露出来的邮件后,造成民主党阵营一片尴尬局面,随后美国国会女主席Debbie Wasserman Schultz宣布辞职。
That outcome shows foreign hackers can achieve political goals and incentivizes them to escalate their attacks. It's Cybersecurity analyst Richard Forno told Hashtag VOA via skype.
该结果表明外国黑客可以借此达到他们的政治目标,同时这也激励了他们再次升级他们的攻击。网络安全分析师Richard Forno通过Skype告诉美国之音节目。
"Interfering with the electoral process and political process of countries is a real classic tool of intelligence and foreign policy," "So, this really just reinforces with the fact that even though we are moving towards an era of electronic voting and technology-enabled voting everywhere or in more and more places, that the traditional threats are still with us, and now we are moving further and further into cyberspaces."

Electronic voting machines are part of that cyberspace. The vast majority of U.S. states will use them for this November's national elections.
But a 2015 study by New York University found that 43 of those states had machines that were at least a decade old.
Could they be hacked as well? Cyber security pros attending their annual Black Hat conference in Las Vegas think so.
One of them, Toni Gidwani said via skype that there is president for such attacks. Three days before the election, the Ukrainian central election committee suffered a massive hack that threatened their ability to, you know, have voting happened on schedule." "And then malware was discovered right before results were announced that projected to be a different outcome."
其中之一的专家Toni Gidwani通过Skype说道,已有总统遭遇过这样的攻击了。"在选举前三天,乌克兰中央选举委员会遭受了巨大的黑客攻击,使得他们不能如期举行投票。""然后,在结果宣布之前,他们发现了恶意软件的存在——恶意软件将很有可能使得结果大为不同。"
Some U.S. voting machines produce paper records that can be used in case of problems with a vote count. But keeping a paper trail might not be enough.
Cybersecurity analysts say organizations seeking to protect their infrastructure from hackers need all personnel to be cautious on their online behaviour.