States and local communities in the United States gained more control over education standards and testing last week.
U.S. President Barack Obama signed the education reforms into law last week.
"After more than 10 years, members of Congress from both parties have come together to revise our national education law," Obama said. "This law focuses on a national goal of ensuring that all of our students graduate prepared for college and future careers."
The new education reform law urges the 50 state governments to limit how many and how often students take tests. The law limits the high-stakes nature of the testing for underperforming schools. And the national government will not be able to tell states and communities how to evaluate schools and teacher performance.
But states and schools must still give reading and math exams in grades three through eight, and in high school. The states will have more authority in setting standards for the tests.
Congress passed the measure easily. Republicans and Democrats supported it.

No Child Left Behind
The new law replaces the No Child Left Behind measure approved in 2002. It called for extensive testing and standards set by the national government.
Parents, teachers and lawmakers found that policy unworkable. They said it gave Washington bureaucrats too much control over the country's 100,000 public schools.
"This bill makes long overdue fixes to the last education law. It replaces a one-size-fits-all approach to reform," Obama said.
Republican Senator Lamar Alexander is one of the measure's chief authors. He said, "This new law will result in fewer and better tests because states and classroom teachers will be deciding what to do about the results of the tests."
共和党参议员拉马尔·亚历山大(Lamar Alexander)是该法案的主要作者之一。他说,“这部新法将会让考试更少而精,因为各州和任课教师将会决定就考试成绩做些什么。”
The law's other key sponsor is Democratic Senator Patty Murray. She said the new focus will be on early childhood education. She added that minority and poor children will benefit, and get a better start in their earliest years of school.
该法律的其他关键支持者是民主党参议员帕蒂·穆雷(Patty Murray)。她说,儿童早期教育将会是新的重点。她补充说,少数族裔和贫困儿童将会受益,并在他们上学的最初几年获得一个更好的开始。”
I'm Jonathan Evans.