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VOA慢速英语视频(视频+中英文本) 第12期:如何应对多动症

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From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.

Five million American children and teenagers have Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly known as ADHD.
ADHD makes it difficult - if not impossible - to stay with a duty until it is complete.
Katherine Ellison knows the problem well. She is a mother who was always yelling at her son to be quiet, to sit still, to stay on task. She did not know that he had ADHD. She also did not know that she had it too.
凯瑟琳·埃利森(Katherine Ellison)非常了解这个问题。她是一位母亲,她过去经常吼她儿子,让他安静,让他坐好专心做事。她不知道他患有多动症,她更不知道自己也患这病。
Ms. Ellison wrote a book about the issue with her son, Buzz. VOA's Faiza Elmasry talked to her about, "Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention."
埃里森女士和她的儿子巴斯就这个问题写了一本书。美国之音的法伊扎·艾尔·马斯里(Faiza Elmasry)和她谈到了这本名为《巴斯:专注的一年》的书。
Buzz Ellison is a child who had many problems in elementary school. He could not sit still. He was constantly jumping up and down in class. He did not pay attention to his teachers and could not focus on the task at hand.
巴斯·埃里森(Buzz Ellison)这小孩在小学问题多多。他没法稳当坐着,他在课堂上不断跳上跳下。他没有注意自己的老师,也没法专注于手头的作业。
As a result, his mother says, he was always in trouble. He also got bullied. And his teachers gave him a lot of negative feedback.
"His attitude towards school really changed. I think he got bullied both by his peers and his teachers who insisted that he could do things that he really wasn't capable of doing at that age and remembering things and they gave him a lot of negative feedback."
His mother, Katherine Ellison, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter. She did not understand why he behaved the way he did. And she admits that her behavior was only making the situation worse.
"I was making things worse often by being anxious or being impatient or not understanding him. And I realized at some point that I really hadn't hugged him in a while. And I wasn't smiling when he came into the room because we were just having such a hard time."
When Buzz was nine doctors identified his problem. They said he had ADHD. And, like many parents of children with ADHD, Ellison learned she had the disorder as well. She was in her late 40s.
She says that like many people with ADD or ADHD life can be a rollercoaster ridea life with many ups and downs, high points and low points.
"I, like many people with ADD, had a roller coaster of a life. For instance, I got sued for 11-million dollars for a reporting error that I made in one of my first years as a newspaper reporter. And two years later, I won a Pulitzer Prize. So these are the kinds of things that often happen when you got this disorder; you're capable of really amazing things and very humiliating, terrible things."
So, the mother and son teamed to write a book about their experience. Ms. Ellison says she was happy that ADHD became a project for them instead of a fight between them.
"My son and I started out by writing a contract together, which was terrific because it changed the perspective from being a shameful problem that we had to a joint business project. And I also knew that he would cooperate with me. He wanted a percentage of the profits from the book. I was willing to do that because all of a sudden we're partners rather than antagonists."
They explored the world of ADHD for a year. They researched treatments and doctors.
More Cases of ADHD Identified in Children
ADHD is identified more and more. But much about the disorder remains unknown, including its cause or causes. American and Swedish researchers have released a study that links older fathers and ADHD. It found babies fathered by men over 44 years old are 13 times more likely to develop the disorder. JAMA Psychiatry, a journal of the American Medical Association, published the study.
越来越多的多动症被诊断出来。但关于这种疾病仍有很多未知,包括其患病原因。美国和瑞典的研究人员公布了一项研究,将年长父亲和多动症联系了起来。该研究发现,44岁以上做父亲生下的孩子患多动症的几率高出13倍。美国医学会精神科期刊(JAMA Psychiatry)发表了这项研究。
Peter Levine is a doctor of children's medicine in California. The pediatrician specializes in treating children with ADHD. He says there are many misunderstandings about the disorder.
彼得·列文(Peter Levine)是加州的一位儿科医生。他专门从事儿童多动症治疗。他说,关于这种疾病存在许多误解。
"One of the biggest misconceptions is parents think that this is their fault."
And, he says others find fault with these parents, too.
"Other parents will blame them for it because they see the way these kids acting and they'll (will) say, ‘What's wrong with you? Why can't you control your child?' So parents will blame themselves. Another misconception is that the child is really not trying, because oftentimes these kids are trying harder than other kids to control their behaviors. That leads to a lot of difficulties and frustrations."
Mr. Levine says the first step in dealing with ADHD is getting the facts straight.
"In America, the diagnosis rate in children generally is quoted in the range of about 3 to 7 percent of children. It's more common in boys, by about three to one. This is a highly inheritable disorder. They can't get over ADHD. I mean it's not something that you can make go away. As many as two-third of the children who have problems with ADHD will have difficulties as adults. You can't cure it. You have to find ways of coping with it."
Changing Parenting Styles for ADHD Kids
He says that one of the most effective ways to deal with ADHD is to change the way you parent.
And that's what Katherine Ellison did.
She says she is now paying more attention to her son, spending more time with him, being less judgmental and giving him more positive feedback.
And Buzz is reacting well to these changes. He has fewer outbursts at home and at school. He is more centered on school work. And he has a new interestplaying tennis.
And that's the Health Report. I'm Anna Matteo.
以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语健康报道的全部内容。我是安娜·马特奥(Anna Matteo)。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

contract ['kɔntrækt,kən'trækt]


n. 合同,契约,婚约,合约
v. 订合同,缩

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

disorder [dis'ɔ:də]


n. 杂乱,混乱
vt. 扰乱

unknown ['ʌn'nəun]


adj. 未知的,不出名的

impatient [im'peiʃənt]


adj. 不耐烦的,急躁的

cooperate [kəu'ɔpəreit]


vi. 合作,协力

psychiatry [sai'kaiətri]


n. 精神病学





