Chinese Pursue Volunteer Opportunities in Africa
China's ties with Africa are growing. Media coverage generally focuses on the controversy over Beijing's surging investment and trade, which critics say do not fairly benefit Africans. But VOA's Bill Ide reports there is a small, growing number of Chinese who are putting their careers and studies on hold to do volunteer work on the continent.
中国与非洲国家的关系日益紧密VOA记者Bill Ide发来报道,在中国,有一群人十分关注非洲地区,并来到非洲大陆上做志愿者,这群人的人数正在持续上升 。 。媒体集中报道了中国对非洲地区的投资与贸易,并且批评这不利于非洲的均衡发展 。