JUBA, South Sudan — South Sudan emerged as a nation in July 2011 after almost five decades of civil war with the north. But despite its bloody history, the country does not have a single psychiatrist and no option but to sedate or imprison the masses suffering from post-war trauma.
2011年7月,苏丹在历经50年的内战后,南苏丹自成一国 。抛开这段血腥的历史不谈,心灵收到创伤的苏丹人没有心理医生,也没有其他任何方法来抚平心灵的创伤 。
At Juba's military hospital, the walking wounded often have scars that cannot be seen.
在Juba的战地医院,病人的身体上的伤口愈合了,但心灵上的伤口却无法愈合 。
Psychologist Amasi Ibrahim Adam says that she sees many fighters with post-traumatic-stress disorder.
心理学家Amasi Ibrahim Adam说,她看到许多曾经的战士正在遭受重大创伤后遗症的折磨 。