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CRI News Report:U.S. concerned about Bangladeshi move against Grameen Bank

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One dead, 2 injured in Chinese coal mine disputes in Zambia—Embassy

One Chinese national has been killed and two others hurt in fighting in Zambia.
The victims got caught up in a labor dispute at a coal mine in the south of Zambia.
The coal mine in question is owned by Chinese firm Colum Coal.
Embassy staffs have been dispatched to investigate.
Toll from Beijing devastating rainstorm rises to 79

The death toll from the massive downpour in Beijing July 21st has risen to 79.
This follows the discovery of one more body.
33-year old Zhang Yuxiang's body has been discovered in the village of Sanfu in Fangshan district.
The municipal government of Beijing raised the death toll to 77 from 37 five days after the massive storm hit.
Another victim was discovered in Fangshan on Thursday.
The Chinese capital was battered by the heaviest rain seen in Beijing three weekend's ago.
13 dead after east China workshop blast

13 people have been killed and 14 others hurt after an explosion rocked a family-owned workshop in Zhejiang yesterday afternoon.
The explosion in the city of Wenzhou created a subsequent fire which torched an area some 300-square meters in size.
5 of those hurt are suffering serious injuries.
It's believed dust created in the process of producing hardware locks sparked the explosion.
China back on top of medal tally with more golds

China is back on top of the medal tally following some impressive showings from various Chinese athletes.
Among the latest triumphs, Cai Yun and Fu Haifeng winning gold in the badminton men's doubles, while Lin Dan claiming the win in the men's singles of the competition.
Zhou Lulu won gold in the women's super heavy-weight weight lifting.
Gymnast Zou Kai also defended his gold medal from 4 years ago in the individual apparatus gymnastics.
Seven killed in temple shooting in U.S. state of Wisconsin

At least 7 people are dead following a shooting at a Sikh temple in the US state of Wisconsin.
4 people have been gunned down inside the temple in the community of Oak Creek, while 3 others have been killed outside the temple.
Three others shot in rampage are also in hospital.
The suspect is among those killed.
He was gunned down by a police officer, who is among those in critical condition, after being shot multiple times.
Details about the attacker and his motives are not yet clear.
Death toll from Yemen funeral bombing rises to 46

The death toll from a suicide bombing at a wedding in Yemen over the weekend stands at 46.
A suicide bomber detonated his suicide belt during a wedding ceremony in a village in the restive southern province of Abyan on Saturday.
Close to 50 others were hurt in the blast.
A local pro-government tribal leader is among those killed in the blast.
al-Qaeda is claiming responsibility for the attack, and is threatening to launch more attaks on security personnel and military bases.
al-Qaeda has been fighting for control of Abyan for over a year, after taking control of the area during the political upheaval brought on during the protests to oust former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
U.S. concerned about Bangladeshi move against Grameen Bank

The US government is expressing "deep concern" about a move by the government of Bangladesh to change the way the Grameen Bank is staffed.
The Bangladeshi government has decided to give the Chair of the microlender the ability to choose the banks new managing director.
Under the previous rules, the board of directors had the power to choose the new managing director.
The board of directors are mostly supporters of the Grameen Bank's founder, nobel-laureate Mohammed Yunis.
Yunis was forced out of the so-called "bank of the poor" last year, with the government citing age restrictions.
13 policemen killed, 10 injured in Egypt's Sinai

At least 13 police officers have been killed in an attack on a checkpoint in the north Sinai region of Egypt.
10 other officers have been wounded in the assault.
Reports are suggesting a group of jihadists stormed the checkpoint with automatic weapons.
The attack in Egypt comes amid heightened tensions in the Sinai peninsula.
Israeli authorities last week issued a warning for its citizens to avoid travel to the Sinai.
China expands OTC equity market trial zones

The State Council has approved a plan to expand pilot zones for a new, third board to try to help emerging businesses.
The pilot areas are going to cover the Zhangjiang High-tech Industrial Development Zone in Shanghai, the East Lake High-Tech Development Zone in Wuhan and the Tianjin-Binhai High-Tech Industrial Development Area.
The new over-the-counter equity market is going to be a tailored platform for high-tech and growth enterprises to transfer shares and raise funds.
There are already two regional OTC markets in Shenzhen and Shanghai.
In 2006, the Zhongguancun Science Park in Beijing was added as a pilot zone.
Central bank to strengthen monetary policy fine-tuning

China's central bank has issued another statement, saying it will strengthen the fine-tuning of its monetary policy in the second half of this year.
People's Bank of China's statement says its monetary policy should play a counter-cyclical role.
The PBOC is also promising to improve its credit policies to try to shore up the development of the real economy.
The PBOC statement comes following the release of its quarterly report this past week, where the central bank called for more financial reforms to try to maintain financial stability.
The new statement also suggests more liquidity may be injected into the domestic market.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

oak [əuk]


n. 橡树,橡木

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

peninsula [pi'ninsjulə]


n. 半岛

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

monetary ['mʌnə.teri]


adj. 货币的,金融的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

platform ['plætfɔ:m]


n. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲


关键字: CRI News Report




