订货Placing Orders
A: We will carry out the order when the purchase order gets here.
B: Good. And because this is our initial order, and your product is so new, we would like to make a deal with you.
A: Well, actually in most cases we don't talk about special deals, but since this one is so new I will listen to what you have to say.
B: We want to make this a trial order. If we sell all the products in two months, we will pay for them; if not, we will send them back to you.
A: I can't agree to that. My company will have to pay for both sending them and bringing them back.
B: We promise that if the products are sold out in two months, we will place a repeat order right away, at the same size.
A: OK, I agree. But the repeat order can't have the same terms.
● 通常我们是不会…
1. In most cases, we don't...
2. Usually, we would not...
3. Generally, we cannot...
"case",‘案例’;"in most cases"即有‘一般情况’之意。这样的句型有两种功用;其一是委婉地否决对方的要求,表示无法答应乃因不能破例;另外,它也可用来强调你的做法是特例通融,意思就是‘我们本来都不...(但是对你特别...)’
initial order 初次订购
trial order 试验性订价,试购
"trial" ‘试验’。买方之所以采用试购,是由于对某项新产品的品质、效益、市场行销性等没有把握,或者对首度接触合作的厂商还不太信任时,只作少量的订购,以试探产品的销路或效用。试购之产品如果成功地打进市场,则表示双方将有长期生意往来的希望。
repeat order 再订货,续订